Wednesday, 17 August 2016



The Quran, the last revealed word of God, is the primary source of every Muslim’s faith and practice. It deals with all the subjects, which are concerned with human beings: wisdom, doctrine, worship, transactions, law, etc., but its basic theme is the relationship between God and His creatures. At the same time, it provides guidelines and detailed teachings for a just society, proper human conduct, and an equitable economic system. Note that the Quran was revealed to Muhammad in Arabic only. So, any Quranic translation, either in English or any other language, is neither a Quran, nor a version of the Quran, but rather it is only a translation of the meaning of the Quran. The Quran exists only in the Arabic in which it was revealed.
            Quran literally means “THE RECITATION”. It is considered as the finest piece of literature in Arabic. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel gradually for over a period of 23 years. It comprises of 114 suras, whose arrangement is according to their size and not according to the order in which they are revealed. Suras in turn are classified as Meccan or Medinan, which are named based on their revelation before or after Prophet Mohammed migration to Medina. Title of sura is given based on its content and each sura start with the Bismillah, an Arabic phrase meaning “In the name of God.”  The term Bismillah occurs 114 times. Each sura has verses called Ayat, and the total number of versus are 6,236. According to some estimates, Quran has 77,430words, 12,183 stems (a prefix word), 3,383 lemmas(citation forms) and 1,685 roots (base words).
Scholars consider Sura Al Fatihah, the first chapter of the Quran, to be the core of the Quran. It is recited in every formal prayer in the Arabic language.
The translation follows:
"I begin with the name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are for God, the Lord of the worlds. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Sovereign of the Day of Recompense. You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help. Guide us to the Straight Path (of Islam), the path of those You have blessed, not the path of those who have incurred Your wrath nor of those who have gone astray."

Values enshrined in Quran :

Nothing in the universe is accidental, as things happen according to our destiny. As Qur'an tells us: "... He does regulate all affairs, explaining the signs in detail,..." (ALRAD 2). In another verse: "...Not a leaf do fall but with His knowledge:..." (ALANAAM, 59). It is Allah, who creates and directs all the events; how they will begin and how they will end. It is again Allah who determines every movement of every star in the universe, every state of every living thing on Earth, the way one will live, what one will say, what one will encounter with, as expressed in the verses: "Certainly, all things have been created in proportion and measure."(ALQAMAR49).
"No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a verdict before We bring it into existence: That is truly easy for Allah:" (ALHADID 22).
The believers should be aware of this big reality, therefore they should never act as those who deny. Having understood that life is just "watching the destiny", they should never get disappointed or afraid of anything. They should be confident and clear-headed as Mohammed (saw), who tells Abu Bakr "... "Have no fear, for Allah is with us"..." (ALTAWBA 40) when found in the cave by the other worshipers, who want to kill them.

Since Allah is the decision maker, every happening is in favor of the believers: because everything has been planned for his benefit. For that reason, believers trust and rely only on the Protector. Hence believer should fulfill his responsibilities but waiting to see the result, believing that it has already been planned by Allah. Below verses express this mystery which is Unknown to unbelievers. "... And for those who, He (ever) prepares a way out, And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one puts his trust, it’s sufficient for him. For God will surely accomplish his purpose: truly, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion."(ATTALAQ 23). He will never give us problems more that we can bear.

Nothing is created in vain. One must understand the purpose of their life as nothing is created in vain. Some do not understand this as told in the verse: “they have eyes where with they see not,…” (Al-ARAF 179). They do not have the wisdom and comprehension to realize the important reality with their materialistic vision. With faith in God they must attain wisdom, as faith and wisdom, both of which are in parallel, and if both increase, they will start to identify every detail of His creation. If one realizes this, then they will not be wandering and wasting their time after useless things.
Mind is like water; Unless it is directed which way to flow, it spreads away, to the places that you would not want it to flow. This is a kind of unconsciousness; You cannot control your mind. You cannot focus and concentrate on a subject. Actually, you cannot conceive the truth behind the events happening and also cannot ever have the competence to interfere in them. Therefore one should be in a position to control his Mind with the Knowledge and Wisdom of God.

Everything is created with wisdom and every situation created as some purpose hidden in it. Sometimes one may have to face unfavorable event in life. But sooner or later they will realize the purpose for that situation to occur at that particular point of time and the benefit of having such extreme dis-satisfactory condition. There is nothing like MISFORTUNE. Allah creates some difficulties and tests the strength and faith of his believers for their faith and loyalty. And things that may seem really delightful at that moment may not really be so at a later point of time.

As knowledge is God's gift, one has to use his knowledge. "And let not those who covetously (selfishly) withhold of the gifts which Allah Hath given them of His Grace, think that it is good for them: Nay, it will be the worse for them: soon shall the things which they covetously withheld be tied to their necks Like a twisted collar, on the Day of Judgment. To Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth; and Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do." (ALEIMRAN 180).
One has to use the skills and wisdom bestowed upon them and come out of situation else on the Day of Judgment they will be questioned for their deeds.

Human mind is continuously prone to false desires and one has to be alert and protect himself against these using the command and wisdom given by Allah. We must never forget to strive hard to overcome the situations at times even without rest.
"By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it; And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right; Truly he succeeds that purifies it, And he fails that corrupts it!" (ASHSHAMS 710).  People should be aware of this evil in them and always be on guard against the danger. Denying this evil side of our souls will not help escaping, we should try to purify it. To watch over this evil and to do good, one must practice self-restraint which can be attained only through salvation. One may be invited by worldly desires/ passion, or at times whispers to have more money to achieve high standard in society. At times man may become so greedy that he acts like animal towards his own brother. At person with self restrain alone will have a pleasant life on earth and can enter the gates of Heaven.
Prayer is a way of communicating with God. Quran insists on doing prayer 5 times a day. This is to be done with humility, in private, with all sincerity, having hope that Allah listens to it, with fear in Hearts, and with strong concentration as in the verse:
"Call on your Lord with humility and in private: ...., but call on Him with fear and longing (in your hearts): for the Mercy of Allah is (always) near to those who do good." (ALARAF 55,56). Before the day start to the sunset it is to be done and that help a man to have control over his mind and thoughts. With utmost purity of body and soul, if one exercises this practice, definitely it will lead to control over oneself, helps him to cleanse his body, and give him sound mind to achieve his goals.

Allah is always merciful towards his people and he does not instantly punish them for their sins. If a person seeks forgiveness and repents from heart for the mistake he has done, then he give him opportunity. People commit mistakes, may be due to some provocations, yet if he repents for his mistake and gives confidence that it would not be repeated, then we must forgive them. This can happen if one understands with the heart of Allah, the situations that would have led to the sin. Hence one must be compassionate with each other. Give open mind to people who really seek forgiveness, be merciful to them and thereby seek the blessings of God.

People are impatient and often due to this trait they commit mistakes. They cannot wait for long term, and look for ways of getting instant result and seek short termed and easy way of getting benefits. Allah says people have to live with patience if they want to attain prosperity.
"O ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and ; that ye may prosper.." (ALEIMRAN 200).
Having patience is a very much superior virtue and it is the characteristic of strong people who have that strength of mind and will power. To attain this man must be humble, modest, generous, obedient and devoted. For such souls alone the gates of the heavens will be opened.
Finally Allah takes the souls and awards them with His Paradise and His Will. Angels at the gates welcome to the righteous, saying: "Peace unto you for that ye persevered in patience! Now how excellent is the final home!" (ALRAD 24).

To be confident, one need not be rich or beautiful or handsome or have high social repute. With the help of Allah and seeking his help through prayers, one must attain confidence. And a confident person can face any of the worldly challenges and win over them. We are created by Him and through constant prayer if we seek his help, man is assured of courage and confidence. He promises his believer that they will definitely have a upper hand.

One must not talk vain and affairs that are of no use.  Such talk will lead to involvement in worldly affairs that will have no value  in front of Allah. Quran says, “Who avoid vain talk” AL-MUMENOON 3.  Above verse emphasizes that when a believer comes across with a profane talk or event, he should turn his back and do something useful for His Cause.

As people are forgetful hence Allah commands that every transaction must be documented as a witness. This should incorporate every deals and none of the parties should with hold from the statements incorporated in the deed. And if your debtor cannot repay, you should be in a position to forgive him considering it as an act of charity.

One should always fulfill the promises that he has given. Being trust worthy is the foremost characteristic of a believer. One should not promise by words. They have to think and realize the fact if that promise could be done with their deeds and then only they have to promise. A person who fulfills what he says becomes trustworthy. One has to retain this attribute at all times and at all levels in life.

People must live with solidarity and brotherhood. This will give them unity and help them to do any task. No statement must be given that may disturb or damage the closeness among people. One must be caution while they speak and they must not even hurt with their manner. Good behavior and kind words will alone increase affection and confidence among your neighbors and this will lead to increase brotherhood in the society. During namaaz also all people are equal in front of God, and the people doing it have their shoulders next to each other and share during prayers.

People who overcome their desires will naturally be kind to others. They must overcome traits like rudeness, carelessness and thoughtless acts. Quran insists that people must be graceful, respectful and merciful. Those who are brought up with the teaching of Quran will be noble, polite, upright and thoughtful. Quran also says to avoid mocking. Avoid laughing at others, do not tease, joke  or look down at any  one. Quran also insists people to avoid nicknames.

1.      Be good and do good: One has to assess his action and to have an eternal life he has to do good and behave like a good man.
2.      Peace must prevail: A country in which wrong deed prevail, that people of the nation will live with high sense of insecurity. Hence peace must prevail for a country to flourish.
3.      God sees your heart: God sees what we do and the good deeds that he considers. He is not discriminate or differentiates people on the basis of any of his physical traits or status. He loves people who are good at heart.
4.      Respect hard work: Pay the remuneration for a person’s hard work before his sweat dries. Never ignore or disrespect hard work.
5.      Be pure in your thoughts: Never have any wrong thoughts for anyone. Have good thoughts about everyone.
6.      Education: One must be educated. This is the greatest gift that any father can give to his child as it will give knowledge. Education gives respect to a person and this is remembers for seven generation from this end to that end. Women must be educated as they are the first teachers for children. Women must also be educated as they are the first teachers at home.
7.      Kind hearted: A person with good heart cannot eat if he find that his neighbor is hungry.
8.      Don’t be jealous: this trait of jealous will burn up an individual’s good deeds too. Never carry that feeling in your heart for any one.
9.      Respect even the smallest gesture of help: If a person does a small help, then also you have to respect him. Never look him down analysis the greatness of anyone. Even a sweet smile on your face may light up heart of a depressed person and this is also a good deed.
10.  Help widows and orphans: It is equal to serving God.
11.  Be obedient: God loves people who are obedient.
12.  Prayer: Namaaz is to be done 5 times. This helps to cleanse ones heart and soul.
13.  Donate: Whenever possible, try to donate. Start donation from the poorest in your family, to your neighbors and then go out to help others.

The core of Islam in the fewest possible words:
"It is within the word Islam itself

Acknowledgements: I thank Sri M.A Razak, an advocate and retired pharmacist of VPT, Vizag. A highly knowledgeable man, who talks about all religions, with utmost command. 

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 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS