Wednesday, 17 August 2016



            Swami Vivekanada’s original name is Narendranath Dutta. He was born on 12th January, 1863 in Calucutta to Vishwanath Dutta and Bhubaneswari Devi. He was one of their nine siblings. Narendranath’s grandfather was a Sanskrit and Persian scholar who has become a monk at an early age of 25. Vishwanath Dutta was an attorney at Calcutta high court and had intense religious temperament. At a very early age, Narendranath also exhibited interest in spirituality, meditation and was fascinated by the life of monks and ascetics. He was an active and restless child.
His early schooling was done at Raipur, at Ishwar Chandra Vidhyasagar’s Metropolitan Institution. By 1879 they moved to Calcutta. He was the only student who secured first division marks in the Presidency college entrance examination of his time. He was a voracious reader and has read wide range of subject- philosophy, religion, history, social, sciences, art and literature. He learnt Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharatha and Puranas, and even was trained in classical music. He was active participant in physical education, sports and even he organized activities. He has learnt Western logic, Western philosophy and European history at General Assembly’s Institution. He acquired his Bachelor’s degree in Fine arts by 1884. Narendranath had studied works of many famous English authors. He was fascinated with the Evolutionism of Herbert Spencer (mentions progressive development of the physical world, organisms, our mind, culture and societies). He translated Spencer’s Book Education into Bengali. Narendranath also learnt Sanskrit, and Bengali literature. He was considered to a student genius and some records have called him Narendra a Shrutidhara (a person with a prodigious memory- extraordinary  memory).
Parallely Narendranath was involved in other activities by joining into Keshab Chandra Sen’s Nava Vidhan, and then Band of Hopes. One was aimed at reconversion from Christianity to Hinduism while the other group discourage youth from smoking and drinking. He also got acquitted with few of the western practices and knowledge that very few can understand. He believed in Brahmo concept (That says God is shapeless and is one), and this helped him to have a modernized way of dealing and understanding of Upanishads and Vedatas. He attained the universalistic understanding of Hinduism from Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s Brahma Samaj.  Narendranath was also influenced by the Reincarnation of Hinduism by Debendranath Tagore and Neohinduism of Rabindranath Tagore. Narendranath was not satisfied with the knowledge he had and went in there started his intellectual quest for GOD. He asked many prominent people if they had seen God, but the answer of Debendranath Tagore gave him the answer “Yes, I see Him as I see you”. Through Sen, he met Sri Ramakrishna Pramahamsa. This he had to do to understand the term trance (detachment from one’s physical surroundings) which was insisted by William Hastie lecture on William Wordsworth. Though he visited Dakshineswar at that first time, his second interaction created an impression of Narendra on Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and he was invited to Dakshneshwar. This was a turning point in his life and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa personality attracted him. But he felt like his preaching is hallucinations. Narendra even tested Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, yet the divine guru faced it with patience and replied him stating, “Try to see the truth from all angles.”
Narendranath acceptance of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa came only after his father’s death and his family became bankrupt. Previously he was the wealthiest in his college and now became the poorest student. They had to sell their ancestral property. At this point of time his quest for God’s existence, made him to seek the Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He has been told to worship Goddess Kali and even that dint give him peace and finally he decided to give up everything in his pursuit of God. Ramakrishna taught him that service to men is most effective than worshiping God. As Ramakrishna Paramahamsa departed, the responsibility of retaining the Muth and holding the disciples was taken up by Narendranath and he established the first Ramakrishna math. He raised fund to meet the necessities by Holy Begging. He went deeply into religious practices. During this time he wrote Bengali song named Sangeeth kalpataru. In December 1896, at Antpur village, he accepted to become monk and then took the new name “Swami Vivekananda.”
            He led his life as a wondering monk with his possessions as Kamandalu, staff and his two favorite books- Bhagavath Gita and The Imitations of Christ. From 1888 to 1893, he kept visiting centers of leaning to acquire knowledge and travelled extensively. During this time he got exposure to diverse religions, traditions and social aspects. He has seen the suffering of the poor and felt the necessity of uplifting the nation.
            From then he started his tours from western countries to eastern countries. Right from Japan, China, Canada to United States he kept travelling and on 30th July1893, he attended the “Parliament of Religions”, that took place at Chicago. His address to the gathering has received a huge applaud. Silence restored during his speech and he was youngest of the speakers. He was invited to Harvard University too. Parliament President John Henry Barrows said, "India, the Mother of religions was represented by Swami Vivekananda, the Orange monk who exercised the most wonderful influence over his auditors". Vivekananda attracted widespread attention in the press, which called him the "cyclonic monk from India". The New York Critique wrote, "He is an orator by divine right, and his strong, intelligent face in its picturesque setting of yellow and orange was hardly less interesting than those earnest words, and the rich, rhythmical utterance he gave them". The New York Herald noted, "Vivekananda is undoubtedly the greatest figure in the Parliament of Religions.” He soon became known as a "handsome oriental" and made a huge impression as an orator. From then he has extensively traveled and gave lectures at several places in India and abroad. He established many Mathas in the West.
From the West, Vivekananda revived his work in India. He regularly corresponded with his followers and brother monks, offering advice and financial support. His letters from this period reflect his campaign of social service, and were strongly worded. He wrote to Swami Akhandananda, "Go from door to door amongst the poor and lower classes of the town of Khetri and teach them religion. Also, let them have oral lessons on geography and such other subjects. No good will come of sitting idle and having princely dishes, and saying "Ramakrishna, O Lord!"—unless you can do some good to the poor". Later Vivekananda returned to India, Calcutta and founded Ramakrishna mission that offers social service. On July 4th , 1902 Vivekanada left his last breath. From early morning he observed his daily routine of meditation and teaching. He attained mahasamadhi, and medically it was seen that it is due to rupture of a blood vessel. His disciples say, rupture is due to opening of brahmarandhra (it is the soft spot seen in kids and it is the spot through which soul escapes to reach God).

Values that could be learnt from Swami Vivekanada:
Education: He is a well educated individual. As Narendranath he has learnt various field which include social sciences to arts, languages, religion, philosophy as well as literature. He is considered to be a student with extraordinary memory power by all his teachers and is very well appreciated. In pursuit of God, he learnt all the mythological books and teaching given by various philosophers. He always felt the necessity for educating people around him. His strong belief is that education is necessary to make an individual a perfect man. It is not mere collection of information, but he says education should be man-making, life giving and character building.
“Education is not the amount of information that we put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested, all your life. We must have life building, man making, character making and assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library..”.

His belief that Unity is divinity: For Vivekanada, religion is simple realization. It is not just listening or becoming or simple acquiring knowledge on that. Worship of God must make ones heart pure and it should make them do good to others. He believed that every individuals himself divine by himself. He believed that “Service to man is service to God.” He says that there is religious intolerance that is prevailing. People are becoming like that the frog in its well, who cannot imagine anything bigger than well. He says “I am a Hindu. I am sitting in my own little well and thinking that the whole world is my little well. The Christian sits in his little well and thinks the whole world is his well. The Mohammedan sits in his little well and thinks that is the whole world.”

His view on National integration and Nation Building: For him integration is power. If all the people of our country integrate with each other, this accumulation of power will make India a better nation. He was very patriotic and proud of his mother country. And he also aware of the happenings in the remote villages. All the wealth in the world cannot help one little Indian village if the people are not taught to help themselves. Our work should be mainly educational, both moral and intellectual. He says that the legacy of the past must drive us ahead and make India a much better country, “Out of the past is built the future. Look back, therefore, as far as you can, drink deep of the eternal fountains that are behind, and after that, look forward, march forward and make India brighter, greater, much higher than she ever was. Our ancestors were great. We must first recall that. We must learn the elements of our being, the blood that courses in our veins; We must have faith in that blood and what it did in the past; and out of that faith and consciousness of past greatness, we must build an India yet greater than what she has been.”

Faith and confidence: Swami Vivekananda is a self made man of immense faith and right from his schooling had a good confidence levels. In his short during of 40 years life, he achieved things that very few can. He is a man of unimaginable faith in himself, He quotes, ”Have faith that you are all, my brave lads, born to do great things! Let not the barks of puppies frighten you—no, not even the thunderbolts of heaven – but standup and work! Ones hard work alone can give him result. He believed that even if the beginning is small it doesn’t matter. One must have the courage to move ahead and do his duties, as fear will drown even great ships so what is a man. During this process of doing our duties, one has to make sure that he remains unselfish, even unto his death.

Social service: He considered himself a poor man and he states he Loves the poor. He is aware of the fact that there are very few people in our country who really care for the poor and feel for them. There are more than two hundred million men and women living in poverty and ignorance. He states “Let these be your God, think for them, work for them and pray for them.” He say one must not always think about himself and render his services for the poor and this is one path through which an individual can attain salvation. Serve the diseased, like lepers and even the services, it is like serving God.

Obedience and Hard work: He is a man with obedience and hard work. He was obedient child to his parents and to his gurus. He insisted that one must definitely carry this virtue of obedience but not at the cost of losing his faith. He states,”No centralization is possible unless there is obedience to superiors. No great work can be done without this centralization of individual forces....Give up jealousy and conceit. Learn to work unitedly for others. This is the great need of our country. “He believes that the secret of success is having infinite patience, infinite purity and infinite perseverance.” One should bravely move ahead and take the leap without expecting success. He says” Be steady. Avoid jealousy and selfishness. Be obedient and eternally faithful to the cause of truth, humanity, and your country, and you will move the world. Remember it is the person, the life, which is the secret of power, nothing else.... Jealousy is the bane of all slaves. It is the bane of our nation. Avoid that always.”

Message to Youth: Swami Vivekanada is considered to be Youth icon and his birthday is celebrated as National youth day.
Some quotes of his addressing the youth of India.
Ø  “Dare to be free, Dare to go as far as your thought leads, and Dare to carry that out in your Life”.
Ø  “Arise awake and stop not till the Goal is reached.”
Ø  “All Power is within You; You can do Anything and Everything”.
Ø  “Be a Hero. Always say, ‘I have no fear’.
Ø  “Strength is Life; Weakness is Death.”

Ø  His  3 golden rules: Who  is helping you,    Don’t forget them
                                              Who is loving you,       Don’t hate them.
                                              Who is trusting you,    Don’t Cheat them..

Ø  Practice virtue, Persevere in Virtue!
Ø  Become established in virtue.
Ø  Shine as an embodiment of noblest virtue and heroic adherence to goodness.
Ø  Youth is meant for this grand process.
Ø  Youth life is the active development and fulfillment of these processes.


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BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS