Wednesday, 17 August 2016



The objectives of this course on ‘Professional Ethics and Human Values’ are:
(a) To understand the moral values that ought to guide the Engineering profession,
(b) Resolve the moral issues in the profession, and
(c) Justify the moral judgment concerning the profession. It is intended to develop a set of beliefs, attitudes, and habits that engineers should display concerning morality.

Alternatively, the objectives of the study on Professional Ethics may be listed as:
(A) Improvement of the cognitive skills (skills of the intellect in thinking clearly)
1. Moral awareness (proficiency in recognizing moral problems in engineering)
2. Cogent moral reasoning (comprehending, assessing different views)
3. Moral coherence (forming consistent viewpoints based on facts)
4. Moral imagination (searching beyond obvious the alternative responses to issues and being receptive to creative solutions)
5. Moral communication, to express and support one’s views to others.

(B) To act in morally desirable ways, towards moral commitment and responsible conduct
1. Moral reasonableness i.e., willing and able to be morally responsible.
2. Respect for persons, which means showing concern for the well-being of others, besides oneself.
3. Tolerance of diversity i.e., respect for ethnic and religious differences, and acceptance of reasonable differences in moral perspectives.
4. Moral hope i.e., believes in using rational dialogue for resolving moral conflicts.
5. Integrity, which means moral integrity, and integrating one’s professional life and personal convictions.

Morals are the welfare principles enunciated by the wise people, based on their experience and wisdom Morality is concerned with principles and practices of morals such as:
(a) What ought or ought not to be done in a given situation?
(b) What is right or wrong about the handling of a situation? And 
(c) What is good or bad about the people, policies, and ideals involved?
Morality is different from Ethics in the following ways:

Morals are concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior. There are six ways by which one acquires moral beliefs:
1.      Authority
2.      Logic
3.      Sense experience
4.      Emotion
5.      Intuition and
6.      Science

Values: Values makes actions, characters, traits and objects of anyone good or bad. They are taken from life, environment, from self, society and culture, and, beyond all, from the ideal, transcended dimension of human existence and experience. Human values emerge due to two factors:
-          The impingement of society and its meanings and norms on the fulfillment of the individual’s needs or drives.
-          The introduction of his own awareness, choice and judgment in need fulfillment.
Values are defined as stable, regulative, future-oriented patterns of expression of formalized social life in its relation to man, society and world.
Giving respect to others, good listening, sincerity, admiring good actions of others, understanding the responsibility, expressing views, projection of individuality are the Values which help any individual to come up in life.

The 16 values that one must possess to become and  individual and a professional include:
1)      Integrity
2)      Work ethics
3)      Service leaning
4)      Civic virtue
5)      Respect for others
6)      Living Peacefully
7)      Caring
8)      Sharing
9)      Honesty
10)  Courage
11)  Valuing time
12)  Collegiality
13)  Empathy
14)  Self-confidence
15)  Character
16)  Spirituality

In brief:
Ethics: Refers to professional behavior
Morality: Refers to any aspect of human actions very often
Values: Refers to principles of some ones being good or bad.

INTEGRITY: It is the condition of being free from defects or flaws: durability, firmness, solidity, soundness, stability, strength, wholeness. Or. It is the state of being entirely whole: completeness, totality etc. It is an inherent complex of attributes. It is one of the core qualities that any professional practitioners should possess. It refers to honesty and open mindedness either with oneself or others.
Moral integrity refers to the unity, which is a consistency among human attitudes, emotions and conduct in relation to justified moral values. With the help of integrity, the virtues of self-respect and pride in the job can be made possible. Maintaining or practicing integrity needs courage.
Engineering is considered as the discipline and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, mathematical, economic, social, legal and practical knowledge to the assurance, and verification functions that ensure a product, process, or system meets (and is meeting) it’s appropriate and intended safety, legal and business requirement(s).Integrity of Engineers is needed in the follow works:
1.      Engineering research and testing
2.      In  the use of intellectual  property
3.      Client professional  confidentiality
4.      Expert testimonials and
5.      Failure to inform the public
Our former President Late APJ Abdul Kalam states that integrity is very much important to be a leader and he is praised by every Indian for his integrity. He says,” Let me define a Leader. He must have vision and passion and not be afraid of any problem. Instead, he should know how to defeat it. Most important, he must work with integrity.” William Clement Stone, a businessman and Philanthropist quotes, ” Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with Integrity.”

WORK ETHICS: It is the quality of character believed to be promoted by work. It includes a set of values based on moral virtues of hard work and diligence (persistence efforts). The human element at work is the employee.  Major challenge today is to conduct business by harnessing human skills and talents, maintaining productivity, giving protection to the health and dignity of the employee. The six major challenges that modern business face today are:
-          Achieving ecological balance
-          Human element at work
-          Improving economic and social productivity
-          Meet Global pressures, demands and needs
-          Balancing ethics and economics in business decision making and
-          To help in designing social partnerships for resolving problems of society

Expectations of employees:
-          Recognition as unique individuals and to be treated with personal dignity
-          Safeguard employee’s privacy.
-          Security in the current job and even after retirement
-          People preference to leisure is to be considered.

It is believed that Work is good for health, good for safety and security reasons, good for the personality, good for self-esteem, good for the soul and good for security reasons. People at work are supposed to show a courteous, conscientious and generally businesslike manner in the work spots. Working in a team includes virtues of collegiality, loyalty, respect for authority and collective bargaining. Hard work and productivity are essential to the success of a free market economy. With the decreasing values, and increased lethargy of employees, to maintain proper conditions and increase productivity at work the following strategies are adopted by employers.
Quality circles: Forming group of employees performing similar work so that they meet at regular intervals and discuss work related issues, get suggestions and incorporate methods to improve production/quality.
Job redesign: Changes in work conditions, like working hours, work from home etc.
Job rotation: Assigning different job on temporary basis
Flexible hours: Flexibility of working the task on contract basis or working for number of hours based on employee convenience.

SERVICE LEARNING: It is a form of experiential learning where learners (participants) apply academic knowledge and critical thinking skills to address genuine community needs. It is a credit bearing, educational  experience in which students, participate in an organized service activity that meets community needs, and this reflects on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content enhancing broader appreciation of the course content. Eg: medical camps organized for low-income families
Benefits of benefits of service learning;
-          Identifies and researches local needs or issues
-          Combines academic curriculum with service
-          Motivates participants to make a difference in their communities
-          Opportunities to address community needs and issues
-          Develops responsible citizens
-          Fosters a sense of caring for others
-          First- hand experience with economic, social, cultural and political contexts and factors
-          Greater depth of understanding by connecting course work to the issues and concerns in the community
-          Opportunities to contribute to the mission and/or purpose of an agency through service and volunteerism
-          Experience in working with diverse communities
-          Understanding how the non-profit, government or educational sector functions.
This has become  course in many universities to inculcate the sense of responsibility towards public. The people involved will be working as tem and during the process of execution, the students will learn not just application of theoretical knowledge but also my come out with advanced techniques that could contribute better living of mankind.

CIVIC VIRTUE: It is morality or a standard of righteous behavior in relationship to a citizen’s involvement in society. Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits of personal living that are claimed to be important for the success of the individuals, the family, and the community, or other groups of people. Individually any one knows what is good and what is bad. In spite of this, mostly people act unethically due to the following reasons.
1.      Unawareness
2.      Insensitivity of issues
3.      Selfishness
4.      Faulty reasoning
5.      Pressure

A number of institutions and organizations promote the idea of civic virtue in the older democracies. Among such organizations are the Boy Scouts of America, and Civil Air Patrol whose US oath, Cadet Oath and Cadet Honor Code reflect a goal to foster habits aimed at serving a larger community: 
Boy Scouts of America Scout Oath: 
On my honor I will do my best 
To do my duty to God and my country 
and to obey the Scout Law; 
To help other people at all times; 
To keep myself physically strong, 
mentally awake, and morally straight 
            Schools inculcate this virtue by giving importance to philanthropic activities. Students are rewarded and even classes are rewarded based on their performance of activities like collecting money or clothes for the poor, their distribution etc. such activities when initiated at a very early age will lead to development citizens who think about society and serve it.

Case 1:A recent video on Hallowen day reveled that more than 590 million kilos of pumpkins are dumped in US which is wastage of food. Organizations have come up to educate people as to how to prepare recipes out of pumpkin and avoid food waste. It is the same in UK. Annually food wastage accounts to more than 940  billions dollars while more than 850 million people go hungry every day. we can be responsible in this aspect too. do not throw food rather share with those who lack it. Creating sensitivity about such needs is also civic virtue.

Case 2: A couple in Guwahati have come up with a new an innovative way to exhibit concern for nature and mankind. Mr and Mrs Bupen Rabha have asked people to come up with old clothes for their wedding as gifts and their return gifts were plant samples. They used the clothes for giving them to orphanages and needy.

RESPECT FOR OTHERS: This is essential in everyday life. Respect may be defined as a regard for or appreciation of the worth or value of someone or something. It is what a subject feels towards an object. Respect is always for, directed toward, paid to, felt about, shown for some object. The subject of respect is always a person, that is, a conscious rational being capable of recognizing things, being self-consciously and intentionally responsive to them, and having and expressing values with regard to them. Respect is a responsive relation, and ordinary discourse about respect identifies four key elements of the response: attention, deference, valuing and appropriate conduct.
The following may be adopted to practice respect:
-          Be honesty
-          Keeping promises
-          Not to cause suffering to other people
-          Be fair
-          Don’t swear
-          Accept differences
-          Be polite to others
-          Adopt patience when others make mistakes
-          Be thoughtful of the feeling of others
-          Show gratitude for kindness etc. to others

A moral story on Respect for others:
One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision. The director discovered from the CV that the youth’s academic achievements were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research, Never had a year when he did not score.
The director asked, “Did you obtain any scholarships in school?” The youth answered “none”.
The director asked,  “Was it your father who paid for your school fees?” The youth answered, “My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother who paid for my school fees”.
The director asked,  “Where did your mother work?” The youth answered, “My mother worked as clothes cleaner. The director requested the youth to show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect”.
The director asked,  “Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?” The youth answered, “Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me”.
The director said, “I have a request. When you go back today, go and clean your mother’s hands, and then see me tomorrow morning”.
The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he went back, he happily requested his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid. The youth cleaned his mother’s hands slowly. His tear fell as he did that. It was the first time he noticed that his mother’s hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises in her hands. Some bruises were so painful that his mother shivered when they were cleaned with water.
This was the first time the youth realized that it was this pair of hands that washed the clothes everyday to enable him to pay the school fee. The bruises in the mother’s hands were the price that the mother had to pay for his graduation, academic excellence and his future. After finishing the cleaning of his mother’s hands, the youth quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother. That night, mother and son talked for a very long time. Next morning, the youth went to the director’s office.
The Director noticed the tears in the youth’s eyes, asked:  “Can you tell me what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?” The youth answered,  “I cleaned my mother’s hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes”.
The Director asked,  “please tell me your feelings”. The youth said, “Number 1, I know now what is appreciation. Without my mother, there would not the successful me today. Number 2, By working together and helping my mother, only I now realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done. Number 3, I have come to appreciate the importance and value of family relationship”.
The director said,  “This is what I am looking for to be my manager. I want to recruit a person who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of others to get things done, and a person who would not put money as his only goal in life. You are hired”. Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates. Every employee worked diligently and as a team. The company’s performance improved tremendously.

LIVING PEACEFULLY: It indicates conducive environment and working atmosphere, at work place to do job and carry out his responsibilities. One cannot function under the knife all the while hanging over his head. The rules and regulations must also be to a limited extent in order to make the atmosphere peaceful. If people have such atmosphere, the unwarranted behaviors will not be there and work out put will be more.
            At work place engineers who take up key positions would rather behave as leaders to lead the team and inspire them, motivate and create a peaceful atmosphere. Team leaders must not be like boss.

CARING: It is displaying warmth or affection, feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others. It is also a process and product which incorporates supports, sharing and respect. This value incorporates the unity of mind, body and spirit of the holistic person with the broader content of one’s environment.
Caring for others and having interest in the solution of their grievances will definitely bring in a good work environment. This is necessary for the successful implementation of workload assigned. This type of morality of care, leads to concentration rather than impartiality and justice. But the individual with care orientation will try to identify the best course of action that preserves the interest of all those people involved. Even actions taken by such care-oriented people will have least amount of damage to the relationships among the persons.
Short story on caring parents:
An 80 Year Old Man Was Sitting On The Sofa In His House Along With His 45-Year Old Highly Educated Son. Suddenly A Crow Perched On Their Window. 
The Father Asked His Son, "What Is This?" 
The Son Replied "It Is A Crow". 
After A Few Minutes, The Father Asked His Son The 2nd Time, "What Is This?" 
The Son Said "Father, I Have Just Now Told You "It's A Crow". 
After A Little While, The Old Father Again Asked His Son The 3rd Time, "What Is This?" 
At This Time Some Expression Of Irritation Was Felt In The Son's Tone When He Said To His Father With A Rebuff. "It's A Crow, A Crow". 
A Little After, The Father Again Asked His Son T He 4th Time, "What Is This?" 
This Time The Son Shouted At His Father, "Why Do You Keep Asking Me The Same Question Again And Again, Although I Have Told You So Many Times 'IT IS A CROW'. Are You Not Able To Understand This?" 
A Little Later The Father Went To His Room And Came Back With An Old Tattered Diary, Which He Had Maintained Since His Son Was Born. On Opening A Page, He Asked His Son To Read That Page. When The Son Read It, The Following Words Were Written In The Diary: - 
"Today My Little Son Aged Three Was Sitting With Me On The Sofa, When A Crow Was Sitting On The Window. My Son Asked Me 23 Times What It Was, And I Replied To Him All 23 Times That It Was A Crow. 
I Hugged Him Lovingly Each Time H E Asked Me The Same Question Again And Again For 23 Times. I Did Not At All Feel Irritated. I Rather Felt Affection For My Innocent Child". 
While The Little Child Asked Him 23 Times "What Is This", The Father Had Felt No Irritation 
In Replying To The Same Question All 23 Times And When Today The Father Asked His Son The Same Question Just 4 Times, The Son Felt Irritated And Annoyed. 
So... If Your Parents Attain Old Age, Do Not Repulse Them Or Look At Them As A Burden, But Speak To Them A Gracious Word, Be Cool, Obedient, Humble And Kind To Them. Be Considerate To Your Parents- care for them.

2. During a significant project of the DRDO, the work pressure was high. A scientist approached his boss – Dr. Kalam – and asked to leave early that day considering he had promised his children to take them to an exhibition. Kalam generously granted the permission, and the scientist got back to work. When he did, he lost the track of time and forgot to leave early. He reached home, feeling guilty, and looked for his kids, but could only find his wife. He asked for the kids, and to his surprise she told him: “your manager was here around 5:15 and he took the kids for the exhibition!”
Apparently, Dr. Kalam had been observing the scientist and noticed that he might never realise he had to go home. Feeling for the kids, he decided to take the kids in his stead.

3. Case study: Born to win (B2W) foundation, founded by Jaiswan and Preetaswani, a 16years and 12 years students have proved that age is no bar to exhibit their concerns for nature. They worked towards elimination of plastics and came up with cloth based bags and supplied them for free at market places. They tied up with Hotels and asked them to donate used up bed sheets and pillow covers. Instead of throwing them, they took them and made bags there by recycling cloth and minimizing plastic usage. They have also conducted a campaign Raise to Rise in which they collected six tons of rice bags that was donated to old age homes and orphanages having challenged children.

SHARING: It is having in common. Or sharing equally with others or unselfishly willing to share with others etc.
This is an equally important attribute required at profession as well as in our day to day life. Parents inculcate this value by making sibling to share their belongings among themselves as well as with other kids. Students learn this and implement it right from school age as teachers initially insist on sharing food and sharing happiness during birthday celebrations. Later in profession people implement this as they have the value of caring because of which they care and share with others. In profession, as colleagues work is shared and people don’t mind working beyond hours to help a colleague in need during the fulfillment of tasks. Sharing responsibilities at home will make the people mind set easy to accept while sharing work load of others at time of necessity. Sharing of water by states, sharing of technology and know-how between countries, sharing of knowledge among colleagues must be smooth and easy transaction.

HONESTY: Honesty is the human quality of communicating with a truthful, direct and complete intent, as best one is able. It is related to truth as a value, where in the individual may simply state the facts as he views them as best.
Engineering professionals are involved in construction process and this should incorporate the value of honesty.
Some examples where honesty is not displayed include:
1)      Lying: Honest people must not lie. Intentional communicating things of which he is unaware of or has less knowledge, not just by talk but by even gestures is lying.
2)      Deliberate deception: Deliberate discussion of some technical aspects which he need not.
3)      Withholding the information: Sometimes people hide certain information in conversation like hiding negative aspects of a product or a project.
4)      Adequate promotion of dissemination of information:  In situations of earthquakes, infectious diseases earth quakes, information need to be disseminated to public well in advance to safe guard citizens. In such situations engineers must be actively involved in educating people.
5)      Seeking the truth: In situations of any problem, they have to strive towards seeking the truth and not just leaving it.
6)      Maintaining confidentiality: confidential information must not be disclosed without the knowledge of client or the employer. If it is to be kept secret, it must not be discussed with anyone.
7)      Permitting any judgment leading to corruption: Engineers must make unbiased professional judgments, not favoring anyone. And at times must submit themselves for scrutiny if necessary.
Truthfulness and trustworthiness are the two major aspects of honesty. Hence one must be: Honest in belief, Honest in speech, Honest in Act and Honest in discretion.
Students must also exhibit honesty in campus. They must be very careful when preparing their project work, citation of literature survey, presentations etc.
Business leader are also insisting their employees to speak the truth and be honest as this will increase the productivity of the organization. Psychologically communicating truth demands certain conditions like feeling safe, feeling supported and being encouraged. The way you exhibit your honesty by stating the truth also matters a lot. Truthful people at times state out things bluntly, while tactfully handing truth is important.

COURAGE: It is the tendency to face dangers and difficult jobs in rational way with utmost self control. It may also be defined as the ability to confront fear, pain, uncertainty or intimidation. Courage takes many forms- Physical courage, social courage and intellectual courage. It helps people to take risks, face obstacles and even criticism. People with courage continue to run business or same job despite disturbances or criticism. They think of innovative ideas, discuss problems with others and also readily allow feedback from others.
Steps to develop courage:
Learn to face reality
Frame a value system and commit to adopt it
Build character
Practice courage

An example of the Man with courage is Thomas Alva Edison. He started speaking late at the age of four, but the keen observer of nature had started asking many questions in school. His restless nature and curiosity made his mother to withdraw the kid from school as teacher were complaining about him. He started his first job to earn for himself started at the age of 12, but by 14 he was totally deaf in his left ear and 80% deaf in right ear. All these did not stop him from, he developed telegraph for a deaf kid. When he went to New York in 1869 he was on the verge of starving to death. He got a job after fixing telegraphic machine and then he started with his innovations. His rest of the innovations are known to us. With courage the boy had pursued his life, and showed light to all of us.

Incident noted in India in August, 2017: In Chittora village of Bhopal, bomb alert was given and police have identified a bomb which is placed there. in order rescue the school children who were around 400, Constable Abhishek Patel, ran nearly on e kilometer carrying the bomb weighing 10 Kg. school people have called Bomb rescued squad mean while the brave man has done this to save children. if the bomb has blown it would have damaged an area of 500 sq mt. 

VALUING TIME: A fraction of second cannot be brought by tones of gold. One cannot control time but can control the way he uses it. As time cannot be manipulated or expanded, one has to plan according to the time he has. Doing right things at right time is important. One must invest time to reap success in life. The value of time is revealed in the following statements:

To realize the value of one year
Ask a student who has failed his final exam

To realize the value of one month,
Ask the mother of a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week,
Ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of one day,
Ask a daily wage laborer who has a large family to feed.

To realize the value of one hour,
Ask lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of one minute,
Ask a person who missed a train or a bus.

To realize the value of one second,
Ask a person who survived an accident.

To realize the value of one millisecond,
Ask an Athlete who has won a silver medal in Olympics.

COLLEGIALITY: Collegiality is a form of social organization based on shared and equal participation of all its members. Or. It is a shared power or authority vested among colleagues. Important aspects of collegiality include- respect, cooperation, commitment and connectedness.
a)      Respect: An individual has to admire his colleague’s expertise and their devotion for the job, and for contribution to their development of product or production design.
b)      Co-operation: This attribute improves co-ordination and helps in successful completion of work. According to the ethical principles, cooperation has to exist in all respects between the superiors and subordinates, among the workers, and between industry and customers. Lack of this trait leads to lack of communication, leads to unavoidable delays, lapse in reaching targets.
c)      Commitment: It refers to sharing of Loyalty. Though competition exists among colleagues, still they have to exchange ideas and work towards over all development of organization. Success and completion must be the main objectives of the employees.
d)     Connectedness: it is defined as the awareness of being a part of a co-operative undertaking that is created by shared commitments and expertise.

EMPATHY: Imaginative projection of one’s own consciousness into another being or It is identification with and understanding of another’s situation, feeling and motives. People with empathy have the ability to take oneself out of oneself and put oneself into another person’s shoes. It is important in developing certain solutions, trails t win and retaining in business, and to avoid conflicts.  It is essential for dealing situations with complaints and retaining the customers and ultimately to develop a successful personal and business relationship.
Moral story on empathy:
A young student, was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly called the students' friend, from his kindness to those who waited on his instructions.   As they went along, they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a field close by, and who had nearly finished his day's work.    The student turned to the professor, saying: "Let us play the man a trick: we will hide his shoes, and conceal ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his perplexity when he cannot find them."   "My friend" answered the professor, "we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor. But you are rich, and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of the poor man. Put a coin into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how the discovery affects him."  
          The student did so, and they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by.   The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes. While putting on his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling something hard, he stooped down to feel what it was, and found the coin.   Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his countenance. He gazed upon the coin, turned it round, and looked at it again and again. He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be seen. He now put the money into his pocket, and proceeded to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.   His feelings overcame him; he fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving, in which he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread, whom the timely bounty, from some unknown hand, would save from perishing.  
          The student stood there deeply affected, and his eyes filled with tears. "Now," said the professor, "are you not much better pleased than if you had played your intended trick?"   The youth replied, "You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget. I feel now the truth of those words, which I never understood before: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

Empathy shown by animal not knowing that the monkey placed is a robot and this is used to study their emotions feeling

SELF-CONFIDENCE: People with self confidence always think that they are equal to others, even though the other many be in a better position. They realize the value of self confidence and will never be threatened under any circumstance.
Self confident people have the following qualities:
-          Have self assured bearing
-          Flexibility and willingness to change
-          Easily give credit to others
-          Will not be afraid of telling truth
Self confidence is referred to as an attitude, which permits individuals to have somewhat positive but realistic view of themselves with respect to the situations in which they get involved. They trust their abilities and have a general sense of control over their lives.
Self-confident people have certain expectations which are realistic and even if they don’t meet their targets, they move ahead with positive attitude. People like sportsmen, scholars and educationalist, are confident in their own areas.
Self-confidence of parents affects their children. When elders give acceptance to youth emotions, they get solid foundation, to move confidently. Elders must also encourage students towards self-reliance and seek jobs. Youth are also influenced by friends/colleagues/society. Proper shaping of the best traits in youth when done at college level they will develop self confidence.
Strategies to develop self-confidence:
-          Emphasize on ones strengths and practice them
-          Have greater sense of self-acceptance and take risks
-          Self-talk permits to motivate oneself.
-          Self evaluation and introspection.
Henry Ward Beecher, a prominent congregationalist clergyman, social reformer, abolitionist, and speaker in the mid to late 19th century.
The world will say, ‘No!’ in a thousand ways.
‘No! You can’t do that.’
‘No! You are wrong.’
‘No! You are too old.’
‘No! You are too young.’
‘No! You are too weak.’
‘No! It will never work.’
‘No! You don’t have the education.’
‘No! You don’t have the background.’
‘No! You don’t have the money.’
‘No! It can’t be done.’
And each ‘No!’ you hear has the potential to erode your confidence bit by bit until you quit all together.
Though the world says, ‘No!’ to you today, you should be determined to say, ‘Yes!’ and prove it! ”

Case study: Akil from warangal has climbed Kilimanjaro. Coming from a family where father is a auto-driver and mother works in hostel cleaning utensils, Akhil parents have take  loan to support their child's dream .In doing so, they encouraged Akhil and now he stands as a example for commitment and courage. Bearing-20 degree temperatures and hardship he achieved his dream. Being a marathon runner, he had the stamina and with the motivation of in-charge and his parents, his confidence paved the way for this world wide recognition. 

CHARACTER: A distinguishing feature or attribute as of an individual, group or category. It is an inherent complex of attributes that determines a person’s moral and ethical actions and reactions. Character is a learnt behavior. A good character emerges due to the practice of proper behavior and discipline. It requires traits like integrity, honesty, courage, and a high level of maturity.

Life of Dr J.Philip London
Dr. J. Phillip London – served CACI International Inc.'s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for 23 years-- and his continuing role as Chairman of the Board. During his tenure and afterwards, Dr. London's commitment to moral/ethical leadership and character development is evident in his work. These experiences are key factors in his latest pursuit, which is personally significant, can impact someone's future (positively or negatively), and is a reflection of an individual's beliefs. Dr. London's latest quest addresses the important topic of character and its relationship with success.
Dr. London's character development is the result of being raised by good parents who were upright citizens, good people, hardworking, self-reliant, and had strong spiritual perspectives. His father emphasized during his developmental years the importance of this line from William Ernest Henley's poem Invictus: "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." This phrase stressed to him the importance of an individual's ownership and control over their destiny. This concept also brought clarity and perspective to the significance of everyone being personally responsible and accountable for their choices -- along with the outcome(s) of their action(s).
These strong role models developed his character's foundation, which was further advanced during his time affiliated with the Naval Academy. While at the academy, he learned the importance of time, the idea of mutual respect, commitment, integrity, trust, and being accountable to others to fulfill his duty. Moreover, he believes that an individual's character is a key component of living a purposeful life -- as individuals for the most part want to be proud of the things done and satisfied with the things accomplished.

Case study on character- A teacher name Shri Viswanadham left his last breath on a day before his retirement die to character assassination done by few ignorant parents at school. On that day , few parents reached principal office with slogans against school and against principal stating if he would do the same for his girl child and if he would allow such things in his school which is insulting children and very wrong information on sex at school. As the principal came to know the issue is about a very respectable teacher from his school, he called the teacher to come to his room, and with honor greeted him and asked him the matter. The teacher was also unaware the reason behind the agony of the student parents and there started agian the parents anguish against teacher and started taking if he would do the same to his girl child and if he would talk like that. Then the teacher has reacalled what he spoke during the last hour of the previous day. He was trying to educate the students about human value and during this process he was telling girls about kiss. Immediately a parent shouted if that should be the topic to be taught to girls. then replied that teacher viswanadham with a low voice.
he said yes the word and the the question has really thrown him back now. What he taught after that question of asking kids about the types of kisses is different and he asked the parents to listen to the content or the answer for the question. There are 3 types of kisses- one by father on fore head. Father meets so many types of people with various mentalities and to all of them we have to answer with patience. As you meet people you should also meet good people and with the good values am giving to you you too should answer with patience and that is the reason why father kisses the girl child on for head. The second kiss is that of the mother on cheek. The reason is that, mother feel that she is married to another family and she keeps serving in laws and serving everyone day and night . she keep her smile despite troubles. That is why enemy husband calls me Dharitri as you exhibit patience like mother earth. You should not be like me. you should work hard and lead a respectable life. As you attain good position you should also be a good wife and no evil eye should touch you. so that why a mother kisses her girl child on cheek like the black spot placed (bugga chukka) to protect against evil eye. 
The third is the husband kiss to wife on lips. the reason is that he wants the wife to keep the problems or differences for herself. is any problems are there he wanted the wife to discuss with him and not with outsiders and with the kiss he locks the secrets of family and expects wife to reveal to him first and honor the family repute. 
After hearing to these words, the parents fell ashamed while the principal was in tears. As principal rose to touch the hands of teacher and ask his forgiveness he has seen tears in Viswanadham teachers eyes and he was cold. He left his breath then and there while all of them felt ashamed for their behavior. 
Character assassination with out knowing facts killed a good teacher and a great human with values. 

SPIRITUALITY: It includes belief in supernatural powers, as in religion, but with emphasis on personal experiences. It includes activities which renew, lift up, comfort, heal and inspire both ourselves and those with whom we interact. It includes practices like meditation and bonding rituals which enhance believer’s faith. Spirituality guides a person to have ethical principles in profession. Employees carry out their duties with care and determination and spiritual people carry out themselves with high self-respect.
The five important positive characteristics that can be noticed in spiritual people are :
Spiritual people are gracious: Psychology has demonstrated that expressing gratitude is associated with many positive emotions such as optimism, being generous with time and resources, and overall vitality. Spirituality encourages people to be positive, which may be expressed in many of these life practices.
Spiritual people are compassionate. Experiencing compassion toward others is one the strongest correlates with living a spiritual life. A variety of positive or pro-social emotions have strong links with spiritualism, including allowing one to feel good about the little things in life and look at the world through empathetic eyes.
Spiritual people flourish. Spirituality is linked to many important aspects of human functioning--spiritual people have positive relationships, high self-esteem, are optimistic, and have meaning and purpose in life. 
Spiritual people self-actualize. Spiritual individuals strive toward a better life and consider personal growth and fulfillment as a central goal. Spirituality can be considered to be a path toward self-actualization, because it requires people to focus on their internal values and work on becoming a better individual.
Spiritual people take time to savor life experiences. Individuals who value spirituality take the time to reflect on their daily activities and ultimately build lasting memories of their experiences. Because spiritual people are more conscious of small, daily activities, they experience positive emotions associated with the smaller pleasures in life.

Source for values: Professional ethics and Human values- S.Dhinesh babu

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BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS