Wednesday, 17 August 2016


            The Bible is the account of God’s action in the world, and his purpose with all creation. Bible is considered to be a historical book with archeological evidence. It is a collection of 66 books Witten by 40 divinely inspired writers over a period of 1600 years. This books is divided into two, based on when they were written, i.e., Old Testament and New Testament. Old Testament was written in Hebrew and New Testament in Greek & Aramic languages. The writings span from 1688 BC- 97 AD. It is a collection of 66(39 + 27) books, the total number of chapters in Bible are 1,189 (929 +260), and the number of versus are 31,173 (23,414 + 7,759). Old Testament incorporates all the revelation and the history in it reveals the sequence of occurrence, while New Testament comprises of the experiences of the disciples of Jesus Christ and also revelations.
Bible did not come into existence in one day. The list of books incorporated in it is known as canon. They are regarded as inspired by God and authoritative for faith and life. It was in 367 AD that a Church father Athanasius first provided the complete list of 66 books, which were later on approved by believers. The term Bible was originated from Greek word “Papyrus plant“ called biblos. Scholars used to copy by writing the scriptures onto these on papyrus leaves, and later onto animal skin (this was called Codex book). It is first translated into Latin, and many monks were engaged in making copies of the text. Artists incorporated beautiful designs and illustrations. In those days it was huge and very few could afford to have it and Pastor alone would have had a Bible. Efforts of Wycliffe, helped its English translation as he thought that every Christian should have a copy of it. He was fired from oxford and condemned by Archbishop. But his affords continued, and with the advent of printing press and scholar’s interest and dedication, Bible is available in more than 200 languages and is considered to be the best selling book in the world.
            The first chapter of Bible is Genesis was revealed to Moses and it talks about the creation of God. His six day of creation and rest on the seventh day is interpreted to have evolutionary significance. The rest on seventh is observed as Sunday, a day on which one has to worship him, while the six days people have to perform their duties. The last chapter of Revelation was written by Apostle John, describes the future events. It talks about catastrophes, mankind being killed, brother versus brother, war on land all indicating the advent of Judgment day.
            What does Bible teach to mankind?   It is referred to as an Anchor. In our journey of life, it gives us stability and confidence. It is like a Guide that shows how one can lead a life in its full form. It is like a Road map- that tells us which path we have to choose. It is like a Store House of stories – to the children and grownups whose narration imparts moral values and also narrate about the main characters present in it, and what could be learnt from them. It is like a Refuge to those in trouble or suffering, it gives Strength to the people who are in desperate situations. It is treasure of noble values and moral values; it gives faith and trust in Almighty- as it tells that we are created in his form, and that God loves us.


1.      Self appreciation & performing duties
Man is the Pinnacle of God’s creation (Most worthy). God has made us in his own image and hence one must appreciate the importance of their life. As mentioned in Genesis 1:26, “Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us.” He created us to rule over His every other creation. First God created a Man in His own image and then he created female. The creator is well aware of our needs. He has given us everything we need and tells us to be satisfied with it. People, who learn to put their faith in God, instead of trusting the worldly things, will find a deep sense of peace and serenity that overshadows the evil, anxieties and disappointments of life and the fear of death. We live in the world, but we must put our hope in God and trust Him. As mentioned in Mathew 6:21-33, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life…… You are much valuable than they (birds)…. O you of little faith! Do not worry saying “what shall we eat, what shall we drink” .. Your heavenly Father is aware of your needs. First seek his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” Instead of worrying about worldly things one has to perform His duties and leave the rest to Him. He shall definitely lift you up in life.

2.      Dignity and Responsibility:  Man is the most evolved of His creation. As God’s representative, Man has to live with utmost dignity and responsibility, His life is sacred and secured. Hence in Bible Genesis 9:6 says “Man is made in the image of God. Man is of infinite value.´ Hence we must respect each other despite all the variations that we have. Man must not damage God’s creation, he has no right to kill people or abort kids. Women are also made in the image of God, hence must be given same honor as man. All racism, discrimination and oppression of ethnic minorities is sinful and an Insult to God the Creator.
God has never left us alone. We are His own creation and He has given us commandments that will help us to perform our duties. One must apply these commandments diligently in their life than to simply obey them as a set of rules. Rationalization is a form of self-deception by which we convince ourselves that sinful actions are justified in order to achieve a good result, but this is really just another form of dishonesty (Galatians 6: 7-8, James 1-26, I John 1-8). Holiness is living by the commandments, not in achieving an end result (Mathew 4: 8-10, 16: 26).

3. Respect for others: One of the important commandment is “Love the Lord your God,” while the second important is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no commandment greater than this. Here love means, to respect people, be affectionate, maintain benevolence, carry Good-will and have concern for the welfare of the society. Jesus in the Parable of the Good Samaritan explains, what it means to love people. Regardless of the differences in race, religion, nationality or any artificial distinction, one must practice this command, and one has to love his enemies.(Mathew 5:43-48).
            The Golden Rule (Proposed by Jesus) or its also called as Ethic of reciprocity state that, ”Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Which means, one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. And, one should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated. Hence if we treat our fellowmen with respect we get respect.

4. Humility: Humility or being humble is a quality of being courteously respectful of others. It is the opposite of aggressiveness, arrogance, boastfulness and vanity. Acting with humility does not in any way deny our own self-worth. Rather, it affirms the inherent worth of all people. Humility is really required to live in peace and harmony with all people. It dissipates anger and heals wounds. It allows us to see the dignity and worth of all the people around us. Humbleness is the attribute of great people, and it distinguishes a wise leader from the arrogant power-seekers (Proverbs 17:7 and Mathew 20: 20-28).

5. Honesty & Integrity: Honesty and Integrity as held as very important values throughout Bible and any deception to gain advantage or harm another person is prohibited by the Ten Commandments (Exodus20:16). Deception can be by giving false statements, revealing just half-truth, failing to tell truth etc. even in business dealing, advertising, and politics and in day to day life too one must be Honest. We must also be strong to resist the temptations of any form, like theft, cheating, gossips, insult, wrong suggestion etc.

6. Empathy or compassion: Compassion is standing in someone else shoes. When a person is having hard time, a compassionate person also tries to understand his feeling and offer a helping hand to him. In Bible there are many instances in which Jesus has exhibited this attribute (Mathew 14: 13-21). He healed many sick people as he was aware of their sufferings and He had fed 5000 people who have come to Him to listen to his gospel. He never left them going hunger to search for food instead, with the 5 small loafs of bread and 2 small fish given by a kid, who has the same attribute; He fed all the people around Him. We too must live with the same caring nature in our life, with family members, with friends, with colleagues, and in society too.

7. Integrity: A righteous man or woman walks with integrity and provides a path for his or her children to follow. Integrity leaves a legacy for them. Proverbs 20:7 says “A righteous man who walks in his integrity; How blessed are his sons after Him.” Jesus is a perfect example for a man with integrity. After he was Baptized, He went to the mountains to fast and pray, during that time He was prone to many temptations. But He never sinned (Hebrews 4:15). As human being we are prone to several temptations too, but we must try to retain this attribute.

8. Commitment: Commitment for our purpose of life and commitment to any task that we take up will definitely lead to positive result and will help one  succeed in life. In Bible the life of Noah (Genesis Chapter 5 and 6) is a perfect example of his strong commitment for the task he was supposed to do. He built a huge Ark obeying God’s word and his family has survived the wrath of God because of this attribute. We must exhibit this attribute in our daily life too. As student one can exhibit his commitment towards his studies and pursuit of higher education. A professional must work with commitment for every assignment he is assigned.

9. Courage: Being brave or courageous, is another good attribute that is required to maintain our integrity and also self-respect. Bravery does not mean insulting others or looking down on other. It does not have anything to do with physical strength, but with the wisdom and skills, one can exhibit his bravery. In Bible, David is considered to be a best example of bravery. Though he is a small kid having a sling shot, he could bring down the huge giant- Goliath. He was perfect at his skills and to rescue his countrymen from Goliath, he used it and he succeeded. We too must be getting such opportunities to utilize our skills. Instead of staying back and hiding our talents, one must use them.

10. Obedience: Obedience is submission to higher authority. Obedience to parents, elders, teachers, superiors and to God is always rewarded. Bible illustrates the extremities of obedience to God. One is the life of Abraham, when he was asked to give his only son to God (Genesis 22:2), who was a gift of God. But Abraham obeyed Gods word, and finally God told Him to take back his son. Abraham was tested for this faith and his obedience pleased god. Jesus life itself is a perfect example of obedience. God, the Father has sent His only son, to live like and Jesus was aware of the suffering he had to go through. Still he remains obedient to his father’s command and allowed himself to be crucified (Luke chapter 23). As normal human being, we may not be in a position to exhibit such high epitome of this attribute. Still it can be exhibited in our day to day life, and people with self-confidence and integrity, will always be obedient.

11. Generosity: One must share generously with those in need and good thing will definitely come in return. Each one of us can offer something to the needy, it can be money, charity, offering friendship to lonely and sick, doing volunteering works or one can also choose service- oriented occupation. And while doing so one must not expect any immediate outcome or recognition. People give time and spend money lavishly for their family and friends. But if given to the people in terrible need then definitely you will be rewarded in life.

12. Practice what you preach; Don't be a Hypocrite: No one can stand hypocrites. These are people who do all frauds behind, but come out and start teaching people as to how they have to be and also they become judgmental. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness (Matthew 23:27-28). “It is not the things we say that really matter; it is the things that we do “ (Mathew 7: 15-20).

13. Forgive others: “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matthew 6:14-15). God is merciful and forgives our sins and failings. In the same way, we must be merciful and forgive other people who sin against us or do us harm. This trait if practiced by all, then one can attain peace at heart, mind and finally it will lead to personal prosperity.


1.      Universal hedonism or Utilirianism: Our actions must be right and they must make most people happy.
2.      Stoicism (self-denial): One must remain unaffected by worldly things- pleasure, grief, pain, happiness or any other emotion.
3.      Ethics of Duty: Man must be duty minded and perform his duty with utmost sincerity.
4.      The Ethics of self-realization: Harmonious development of one’s capabilities and potentials will lead to self-worthiness develops self-esteem and there by a person will be in a position of self-realization. This can be achieved by following Golden rule and having faith on oneself.
5.      The ethics of love: The highest thing one can do is to love their enemies. We love our family and friends, but one has to love every neighbor and even his enemy.
6.      The Ethics of Intuition:This is self-realization by the way of inner light.
7.  Being pessimistic: One should be in a state of mind in which one can anticipate undesirable outcomes. This is belief because Christian believes that Satan tries to disturb us all the time and in doing so, if we expect that we are doing some good and if evil is around, that will turn around on us.

8.      Have faith: One has to always exercise his faith in God.
9.      Speak truth always: This must be followed in every situation of life. At times speaking truth may lead us into problems, yet have faith in God and speak the Truth.
10.  Seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all things shall be added to you.
11.  Live with humility: Jesus lived in humility, so we can do it.
12.  Be forgiving and merciful towards everyone: Forgive and be merciful to others. It will help us to prosper in life, as one will definitely have that utmost satisfaction.
13.  Be loyal, faithful and obedient: These three traits must be practiced in all walks of life and in any profession.

Christianity may be defined in one sentence as “Christianity is nothing but following the foot prints of JESUS the TRUE GURU”. (Who Practiced and Preached the Real values of life).

Acknowledgements: I express my Heartfelt gratitude to the Men of God who have extended their valuable time, suggestions and extended their knowledge in the preparation of this material. Pastor Mokana Anil Paul of NCKA – Christ’s Church, TPT Colony, Seethammadhara, Visakhapatnam and Pastor Gundabathiny Devadanam, Church of God Prayer House, APSEB Colony, Seethammadhara, Visakhapatnam. 

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BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS