Wednesday, 17 August 2016



Role of Computer engineers:
Scientist discover the world that exists, engineers create the world that never was- Theodore Von
Software comprises of –
-          Instructions, or programmes,
-          Data structures- programs to adequately store and manipulate information
-          Documentation- describing operations and use of programs

Software products –
1)      Generic products- stand alone systems, PC software, graphics related programs, softwares for markets etc.
2)      Customized products- embedded control systems- air traffic control softwares etc

1)      Developing nations depend on – many systems that are under soft ware control (Medicines to movies) and software if contributing to GNP in all the developed countries.
2)      Cost effective softwares are being developed by software engineers
3)      Features           - It does not ware our
-          Can be customized
-          Reusage can be done

1)      System software- compilers, editors
2)      Application software- stand alone programs file management
3)      Engineering/ scientific software- uses number crunching algorithms- automotive stress analysis, obligatory dynamos etc.
4)      Embedded softwares- microovens, dash board displaying
5)      Product line softwares- DBMA, graphics
6)      Webapps

Computer engineer: A computer engineer, also called a software engineer, is responsible for developing, testing and evaluating the software that make our computers work. They may help in the development of new computer games and business applications, or even in the design of entirely new operating systems. A computer engineer may also be responsible for constructing and managing an organization's computer system and supplying technical support. A computer engineer typically works in an office or laboratory environment as part of a team and enjoys a traditional work schedule.

Computer Engineer:

A computer engineer has an important job in the world of technology. The basic definition of a computer engineer is one who researches, plans and develops computer operating systems. Computer engineers come in a variety of types as one who is a computer engineer can work with general computer use or deal with computer usage which goes along with a specific job position, such as military, industrial or medical, to name just a few.

General Responsibilities of a Computer Engineer

There are a few general responsibilities which a computer engineer must undertake in their job position. The computer engineer must research information regarding computer operating systems, review current operating systems, make changes to systems and even may develop operating systems of this type. The computer engineer will use his/her knowledge in the fields of computer science, math and engineering to ensure that they carry out their daily job tasks to the best of their ability.

Specific Duties of a Computer Engineer

A computer engineer has many specific duties relative to his/her job. One such duty is that the computer engineer must perform research regarding the computer operating systems. This relates not only to the current operating systems which the computer engineer works with but new concepts as well. The computer engineer will perform a wide array of research in relation to operating systems as a whole.
Another specific duty of a computer engineer is to maintain current operating systems within their job field. This entails checking the systems periodically to ensure that they are working correctly, monitoring their work consistency and fixing any problems that may arise in conjunction with the operating systems.
The computer engineer is also responsible for maintaining contact with a large number of individuals. Pertinent people include customers, project managers and other company employees. The contact is important as it keeps everyone in the loop with regard to the various operating systems and provides the computer engineer with feedback, whether it be of the good or bad variety. 
Some computer engineers may also be supervisors in their field of work. Those who supervise others may be responsible for monitoring the work habits of subordinates, solving problems which may arise, preparing schedules and ensuring that the employees get paid as they are entitled. 

Computer engineers may also have quite a bit of administrative duties to tend to during the course of their work. Reports, graphs, charts and evaluations may need to be prepared throughout the daily job routines. These will track the progress of computer operating systems as well as detail any issues which have come about as a result of a particular operation system or systems. 

Those who fill the role of computer engineer may find themselves given the responsibility of developing programs for the particular operating systems with which they work. These programs may be basic operating programs or more detailed computer programs.

Soft ware engineering is considered as a layered technology divided into 4 layers:-

1. A quality Process :-     
-Any engineering approach must rest on an quality.
- The "Bed Rock" that supports software Engineering is Quality Focus.
2. Process :-
Foundation for SE is the Process Layer
SE process is the GLUE that holds all the technology layers together and enables the timely development of computer software.
It forms the base for management control of software project.
3. Methods :-
SE methods provide the "Technical Questions" for building Software.
Methods contain a broad array of tasks that include communication requirement analysis, design modeling, program construction testing and support.
4. Tools :-
SE tools provide automated or semi-automated support for the "Process" and the "Methods".
Tools are integrated so that information created by one tool can be used by another

Developing software includes the following-
-          Communication\planning
-          Modeling
-          Construction
-          Deployment- delivery to customers

Umbrella activities- apart from the above soft ware engineers have the following activities in industry
-          Software project tracking and control
-          Risk management
-          Software quality assurance
-          Technical review
-          Measurement
Real life applications- in our personal life
-          Insulin personal pump
-          Mental health care
-          Patient management
-          weather forecasting
-          all sms alerts
Role of Chemical Engineers:
Chemical engineers translate processes developed in the lab into practical applications for the commercial production of products and then work to maintain and improve those processes. They rely on the main foundations of engineering: math, physics, and chemistry (though biology is playing an increasing role). The main role of chemical engineers is to design and troubleshoot processes for the production of chemicals, fuels, foods, pharmaceuticals, and biologicals, just to name a few. They are most often employed by large-scale manufacturing plants to maximize productivity and product quality while minimizing costs.
The aerospace, automotive, biomedical, electronic, environmental, medical, and military industries seek the skills of chemical engineers in order to help develop and improve their technical products, such as:
·         Ultra strong fibers, fabrics, and adhesives for vehicles
·         Biocompatible materials for implants and prosthetics
·         Films for optoelectronic devices

Chemical engineers work in almost every industry and affect the production of almost every article manufactured on an industrial scale. Some typical tasks include:
·         Ensuring compliance with health, safety, and environmental regulations
·         Conducting research into improved manufacturing processes
·         Designing and planning equipment layout
·         Incorporating safety procedures for working with dangerous chemicals
·         Monitoring and optimizing the performance of production processes
·         Estimating production costs

Role of Mechanical Engineers:
Mechanical engineers provide efficient solutions to the development of processes and products, ranging from small component designs to extremely large plant, machinery or vehicles. They can work on all stages of a product, from research and development to design and manufacture, through to installation and final commissioning. Most industries rely on a form of mechanical systems and mechanical engineering is thought to be one of the most diverse of all engineering disciplines.
Mechanical engineering is the broadest of all engineering fields, the job prospects on offer for skilled mechanical engineers are aplenty and unending. Mechanical engineers are required to design, test, manufacture, install, operate and maintain a wide array of machines and mechanical systems that are used in countless industries.
They have to deal with concepts such as mechanics, thermodynamics, robotics, kinematics, structural analysis, fluid mechanics and many others. These concepts are applied in the process of designing state-of-the-art manufacturing units, different types of motor vehicles, aircraft and aerospace parts and a vast assortment of industrial machinery. Mechanical engineers also contribute in the development of various engines, power plant equipment, heating and cooling systems and other simple and complex machinery. Mechanical engineers not only design new mechanical systems but they are also responsible for testing, maintaining and manufacturing them.

Due to this, there are employment opportunities in a wide range of sectors, including:
  • manufacturing;
  • power;
  • construction;
  • medical.
Mechanical engineers can be involved in the management of people and resources, as well as the development and use of new materials and technologies.

Projects that mechanical engineers work on can vary significantly, from researching and developing medical products (such as mechanical hearts), to improving production processes in large oil refineries or designing services within buildings.
Across all sectors, tasks generally include:
  • designing and implementing cost-effective equipment modifications to help improve safety and reliability;
  • developing a project specification with colleagues, often including those from other engineering disciplines;
  • developing, testing and evaluating theoretical designs;
  • discussing and solving complex problems with manufacturing departments, sub-contractors, suppliers and customers;
  • making sure a product can be made reliably and will perform consistently in specified operating environments;
  • managing projects using engineering principles and techniques;
  • planning and designing new production processes;
  • producing details of specifications and outline designs;
  • recommending modifications following prototype test results;
  • using research, analytical, conceptual and planning skills, particularly mathematical modelling and computer-aided design;
  • considering the implications of issues such as cost, safety and time constraints;
  • working with other professionals, within and outside the engineering sector;
  • monitoring and commissioning plant and systems.

Social Responsibilities of Engineers:
- Keeping public safety in view
- Have to keep in mind the impact of their works on citizens
 - Should strive for development of designs
- Ensure that society funds are not miss used
- Whistle blowing on illegality
- Not revealing anything on a proposed project
- contributing services to non-profit groups and projects
- Educating future engineers
- One must keep in mind principles of sustainable development.

Role of Engineers in India

Engineering is application of science to the common purpose of life
-          Engineering is an art- as indicate in the works of Great wall of china and pyramids..etc.
-          Engineering is an approximation- it includes art of arriving at good solution
-          Engineering is measurement, estimation, forecast and projection as in earth quakes, noise, river floods, pollution etc.
-          Engineering in modeling and simulation
-          Engineering in communication, technical report writing, making presentationsand producing manuals.
-          Engineering in finance
-          Engineering in Space exploration
-          Engineering in agricultural mechanization
-          Engineering in electronics
-          Engineering in invention and design processes.

Greatest achievements of engineering of 20th century:
1.      Nuclear technologies
2.      Laser and fiber optics
3.      Petroleum and gas technologies
4.      Health technologies
5.      Imaging technologies
6.      Space exploration
7.      Agricultural mechanization
8.      Electronics
9.      Aeronautics
10.  Automobiles
11.  Electrification
12.  Training and advancement
Benefits of being professional engineers:
1)      Job satisfaction
2)      Variety of career opportunities
3)      Challenging works
4)      Intellectual development
5)      Benefits of society
6)      Financial security
7)      Prestige
8)      Professional environment
9)      Technological and scientific discovery
10)  Creative thinking

Role of Engineers in the World
-          There is an escalation in increase in world population and this has led to wide variation in financial status in the society. Slums have come up. Poverty has increased over the past few decades and engineers are supposed to meet the basic needs of the poor. Engineering is not just to serve rich but create basic needs for the poor at minimal cost.
-          21st century requires following approaches
-          Shift from controlling nature to participating with nature
-          Awareness of ecosystems, preservation and restoration
-          Embraces concepts of sustainable development
-   Graduates have to make decisions on real world problems which include
            - Socio-geo- political environment
            - Global warming
            - loss of biological and cultural diversity

-    Must address problems of society
         - drinking water, sanitation, infra structure, food production, communication, renewable energies.
-   Engineers must address problems critical and complex issues like, refugees, displaced people, increased population and increase in natural hazards
- Earth systems engineering

            It encourages use of holistic and systematic tools to address interaction between atmosphere, natural and cultural systems. 

1 comment:

BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS