Wednesday, 17 August 2016


The right understanding gained through self-exploration enables one to identify the definitiveness of human conduct which may also be called the Ethical human conduct. It is the same for all human beings, and is in agreement with the universal human values.
Characteristics of ethical human conduct:
It is a combined representation of – Values , policies and character. Values help us to live in harmony with family, character helps us to live harmoniously in the society and policies help us to maintain harmony with the orders of nature.
Values (Mulya): Values can be witnessed in relationships. The ability to recognize the relationships is due to imagination and being self organized in work. It enables us to understand the relationship between various orders of nature too. We have many relations in life, but the actual purpose of relationship is to be understood. For example, the purpose of relationship between parents and children is fulfillment and protection and living in order. Trust is the functional value that helps us to maintain the continuity of relationship.
Policy (Niti): The assets of an individual include the self ‘I’, the body and the physical resources. It is important that proper coordination exists between them. Policies are the rules which when followed help us to protect, enrich and utilize adequately the various assets possessed by us.
One must evaluate his conduct based on the above three dimensions and self exploration alone bridges the gap between conduct and the ethical human conduct. A human being can be called prosperous and successful if he blends his professional skills with ethical human conduct.
Character (Charitra): Character is determined by the values one incorporates in his life. It is the outcome of the values he possesses, his perception, imagination and the experiences gained during his life time. The characteristics of good character include-
- Having personal trustworthy relationships
- Access to rightful acquiring of wealth
- Compassionate behavior and work

If one has the above he will be organized and has self harmony. By understanding natural acceptance on gains self expression and self extension by participation in harmony at all levels of existence. This leads to right understanding which will result in a prosperous undivided society of high human order.
This definitiveness of human conduct in terms of values, policies and character is termed as Ethics. The criterion to judge whether an act of human being is ethical or unethical, and a definite way to work for ethics in life and profession are varying. Ethics in the life of an individual can be imbibed only through inculcation of values, policies and character, and this is possible through the process of ensuring right understanding through self-exploration. At the same time, we can see that a human being with ethical human conduct coupled with requisite professional skills only can be a good professional, namely, a good engineer, a good manager, a good teacher and researcher, a good technocrat, etc.
'Ethical conduct' implies that it is naturally acceptable and does not give rise to conflict within. Thus, the 'ethical conduct' is self-satisfying, people-friendly, eco-friendly and universal.

Acceptance of Basic human values: Schwartz has identified 10 basic human values. These include the core values recognized in cultures round the world and are mentioned in different cultures, religions and philosophical discussions of values.
Each of the ten basic values can be characterized by describing its central motivational goal:
1. Self-Direction: Independent thought and action; choosing, creating, exploring.
2. Stimulation: Excitement, novelty, and challenge in life.
3. Hedonism: Pleasure and sensuous gratification for oneself.
4. Achievement: Personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standards.
5. Power: Social status and prestige, control or dominance over people and resources.
6. Security: Safety, harmony, and stability of society, of relationships, and of self.
7. Conformity: Restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or norms.
8. Tradition: Respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that traditional culture or religion provide the self.
9. Benevolence: Preserving and enhancing the welfare of those with whom one is in frequent personal contact (the ‘in-group’).
10. Universalism: Understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection for the welfare of all people and for nature.
The model figure of representing the relationship among the values is mentioned below:

The conflicts and congruities among all ten basic values yield an integrated structure of values. This structure can be summarized with two orthogonal dimensions. Self-enhancement vs. self-transcendence: On this dimension, power and achievement values oppose universalism and benevolence values. Both of the former emphasize pursuit of self-interests, whereas both of the latter involve concern for the welfare and interests of others.
Openness to change vs. conservation: On this dimension, self-direction and stimulation values oppose security, conformity and tradition values. Both of the former emphasize independent action, thought and feeling and readiness for new experience, whereas all of the latter emphasize self-restriction, order and resistance to change. Hedonism shares elements of both openness and self-enhancement.

Acceptance of Human Values:
It is right to say that we naturally accept Human Values in the light of our understanding of Harmony and Co-Existence. Every Human being naturally expects to be purposeful and successful. Our wisdom is the true source for realizing these expectations.
Recognition of a relationship in existence is essentially recognizing of its innate purpose or value. This is study in existence. Commitment in a relationship is a natural outcome of this recognition. Thereafter perfection in Harmony in that relationship becomes inevitable. Perfection naturally results in fruitfulness or success.
Omni-dimensional resolution emanating from Jeevan is always connected with all our relationships. Human values need to be lived. Human values are realized by understanding of Jeevan, understanding of existence as co-existence, and by natural acceptance of humane conduct. Wisdom is nothing else but this. When we begin realizing human values only then we become capable of doing right, and become proficient in doing right. Till then we are trapped in one mania or the other - and there's no way for us to do right. Understanding Jeevan and understanding Existence are essential for becoming wise. Moreover, values are realized only upon recognition of the meaning or purpose of relationships as mentioned above.

Orders of Nature: In order to create an environment for mutual prosperity and fulfillment, it is necessary to understand the different orders of nature.
There are four orders in nature:
1. Material order (PADARTHAWASTHA) : Includes soil, water, minerals, air and other man made materials
2. Pranic order (PRANAWASTHA): Includes plants
3. Animal order (JEEVAWASTHA): Includes animals and birds
4. Human order (GYANAWSTHA): Includes the human beings and physical body (self ‘I’)
Universal Human order: It refers to the efforts of an individual to have a systematic arrangement of entire universe which initiates with the individual itself.

Visions of Human Order:
The visions for human order includes three elements
i) Humanistic Education
ii) Humanistic constitution and
iii) Humanistic order

Humanistic Education: It refers to the education which transforms the animal consciousness in a human being to human consciousness. Animal consciousness has resulted in over exploitation of natural resources and has made earth a dreadful place to live. Humanistic constitution puts a check on our actions and enables us to justify them.
Humanistic Constitution: It refers to the set of rule which the human beings should follow. This is to ensure mutual fulfillment and coordination in the human order together with the other orders. Human constitution is the frame work of humans, living in harmony with himself and with the entire existence.
Human Order: The process of right understanding in the society and continuity of this process among human beings from generation to generation leads to human order. A human being having definitive answers for every how and why-spiritually, intellectually and materially alone can assure its living continuously with harmony and happiness.

Engineers are responsible for some of the greatest inventions and technology the world depends on. Everything from space shuttles to air conditioning systems to bridges requires the work of an engineer.
Engineering can be described as a broad field that embraces knowledge and training in business/management, science, mathematics, social science and (computer) technology. In order for engineers to function effectively in such a multidisciplinary environment they require skills and attributes from these diverse areas:
· Social Science - communication skills - social skills - presentation skills - interpersonal skills
· Business/Management - leadership skills - business management skills - team-working skills - accounting skills
· Computer/Technology - computer skills - programming skills - technical skills - design skills
· Mathematics/Science - problem solving skills - research and development skills - analysis/synthesis skills

Peterson & Fleet (2004) have developed a list of these skills together with an explanation of what is required of each skill. The illustrate attributes which graduate engineers should possess.
Decision Making Ability - To be able to assess and decide between competing solutions to a particular problem. This skill will have been taught in relation to their technical skills but not necessarily in relation to the decision that a manager needs to make.
Human Skills - To be able to work with, communicate, negotiate and relate to others both within the organization as well as outside the organization. Also be able to teach others, work in groups and with individuals at various levels of management. Resolve conflicts.
Communication - Be able to send and receive information, thoughts and feelings, which create common understanding and meaning.
Interpersonal - Ability to develop and maintain a trusting and open relationship with superiors, subordinates, peers and external personnel to facilitate the free exchange of information and provide a productive work setting.
Conceptual - Ability to see the organization as a whole and to solve problems from a systematic point of view.
Diagnostic - Ability to determine the probable cause(s) of a problem from examining the symptoms and which are observed by the manager.
Administrative - Ability to follow policies and procedures, process paper work in an orderly manner and manage expenditures within the limits set by budgets.

To be successful in the field of engineering, one must have certain qualities. Some of those top qualities include:
1. Possesses a Strong Analytical Aptitude: A great engineer has excellent analytical skills and is continually examining things and thinking of ways to help things work better. They are naturally inquisitive.
2. Shows an Attention to Detail: A great engineer pays meticulous attention to detail. The slightest error can cause an entire structure to fail, so every detail must be reviewed thoroughly during the course of completing a project.
3. Has Excellent Communication Skills: A great engineer has great communication skills. They can translate complex technical lingo into plain English and also communicate verbally with clients and other engineers working together on a project.
4. Takes Part in Continuing Education: A great engineer stays on top of developments in the industry. Changes in technology happen rapidly, and the most successful engineers keep abreast of new research and ideas.
5. Is Creative: A great engineer is creative and can think of new and innovative ways to develop new systems and make existing things work more efficiently.
6. Shows an Ability to Think Logically: A great engineer has top-notch logical skills. They are able to make sense of complex systems and understand how things work and how problems arise.
7. Is Mathematically Inclined: A great engineer has excellent math skills. Engineering is an intricate science that involves complex calculations of varying difficulty.
8. Has Good Problem Solving Skills: A great engineer has sharp problem solving skills. An engineer is frequently called upon solely to address problems, and they must be able to figure out where the problem stems from and quickly develop a solution.
9. Is a Team Player: A great engineer understands that they are part of a larger team working together to make one project come together successfully, and therefore, must work well as part of that team.
10. Has Excellent Technical Knowledge: A great engineer has a vast amount of technical knowledge. They understand a variety of computer programs and other systems that are commonly used during an engineering project.

How to preserve professional sincerity?
We are responsible for our own destiny. Young professionals must be honest, responsible and respectable towards self and the role. Learn to stand for and be accountable for decisions, as Excuses and manipulations are not going to lead one anywhere. Taking complete charge and identify with the role. Never evade accountability because of the fear of failure or sense of feeling besieged by the influence around. one need to be straightforward at work with his own choices. Career building is much beyond mere maintenance of the job and there is no point blaming things around us.

Enriching fundamentals. It is important to incessantly renew conceptual knowledge base. Subject matter understanding is an essential element of professional triumph. Nothing can beat knowledge. One’s ability to apply himself at work will be directly proportionate to his self-sufficiency on fundamentals. Hence one has to plan a calendar to refresh core subjects, brush-up functional concepts and recent developments. One has to continuously transform repertoire of accessible information to attain wisdom. Reflective knowledge is like having deep pockets of wisdom. It lightens our insight.

Plan – Prepare – Participate. Do not be casual in professional life, every interaction is important and one has to be prepared well in advance to remain abreast. Any winning endeavour will require prioritizing, meticulous planning, and cautious preparation. Hence one needs to follow definite work discipline. At work place planning and preparations are an integral part of professional life. Elaborate preparation makes actual task much easier. Preparation and rehearsal will sharpen the edges. This can be a unique differentiating excellence in ones personality.

Do not run around to get spotted. No organisation can disregard a performer for long. One’s sincere performance will unquestionably surface above the rest. In certain circumstances, it may take more than requisite time, but finally he/she will shine-out in midst of mediocrity and manipulators. One has to bring sincerity in every effort. Endeavors at work place should not be predominantly encumbered with desires, malice and ignorance. In today’s life, we cannot just perform a duty without attaching rewards or benefits, but we can definitely avoid shaping our entire conduct around “what is there for me”. The top managers are not interested in ‘unfilled talks’. They value achievers. Deliver every work with commitment and do the hard work, definitely You will get noticed.

Negativity corrodes. Believe in purity and positivity of thoughts. Thoughts drive our actions. Our behaviour is largely governed by our beliefs and thoughts. With purity of mind and positivity in thoughts, our overall conduct and disposition becomes largely acceptable to all around us. Negativity takes away our entire energy and time. It corrodes us from within. Be aware about your negative thoughts and circumvent renting any space to such negativity in your mind.
Perhaps definition of sincerity itself has gone through a transition in professional world. But any compromise with professional sincerity is not going to take you far. Never be artificial with your sincerity. Sincerity comes from within and it will liberate us and brings purity in our conduct. It makes a person more observant and humble. Sincerity gives us foundation and solidity.

Step to cultivate sincerity:
1. Act the same way alone as you do when in the presence of others
2. Do things out of the goodness of your heart- don’t seek a reward or do things to acquire things from others
3. Understand that sincerity comes from heart- one cannot be sincerely if he simply says sorry just as a word or be untruthful.
4. Don’t do it or say it, unless you believe it from your heart
5. Realize that sincerity can expose you- i.e., opening up to others about your feeling, motives and aspirations can cause some people to react in insincere ways and to try dragging one down.
6. Use positive affirmations: use positive affirmations to override negatives and always sincerity thrives on effort to think the right way.
7. Don’t over-polish things- sincerely is about spontaneity at that moment with genuinely. Polishing responses using sugar coated words or attempting over perfection can remove sincerity. Never attempt to shift deadline for one’s own purpose as it will reveal our in capabilities.

Fidelity (faithfulness and loyalty)
Fidelity- This principle requires loyalty, fairness, truthfulness, advocacy, and dedication towards ones profession. It involves an agreement to keep our promises. Fidelity refers to the concept of keeping a commitment and is based upon the virtue of caring.
The engineers should serve with fidelity the employer and the public. At all time engineers must use their skills to advance human efforts, to increase his technical competence and to increase the prestige of their profession. The principle of fidelity, or promise- keeping, recognizes an obligation to honor agreements and to keep promises freely entered into and deliberately made.
One can use these to describe the ethical dilemma that is faced during engineering profession. They should honor the terms of the employment contract, which may also include assignments suited for his expertise. According to the principles of beneficence, a engineer has obligations to promote the good of others, including his employers, the people he works with and even his own family.

There are several reasons because of which loyalty is decreasing now a day:
1. People being more loyal to their careers that to their employers
2. Problems with upper management
3. Companies not caring their employers heath.
Workplace loyalty may be on the decline, but that doesn’t mean it will disappear forever
The following may be adopted by the employers to increase fidelity at work
1) Scheduling “face time” with the employee- Face - to – face interactions
2) Choosing appropriate communication channels
3) Offer acknowledgement and praise often
4) Be honest: tell even the fall backs and admit negatives
5) Walk the talk- true leaders who inspire are the ones who walk and work on the ideal of the company thereby they motivates the employee.

In fact, the more the employer communicates with people and acknowledge them, and be truthful with them, the more trusting and loyal will be the employees.
Here are five loyalty skills--and ways to improve proficiency
1. Support/assistance: Help a peer do a better job, struggle less, learn a new skill, impress the boss, or gain new respect with clients and coworkers.
2. Giving time/attention: Do take an interest in the workplace challenges and projects of peer group. Ask questions, listen well, and take the time to pay attention to the concerns of coworkers. Show empathy, and demonstrate that you understand their issues and really "get" their point of view.
3. Recognition/encouragement: Give sincere compliments to coworkers when they've done an excellent job on a task, or when they demonstrate superior skills, say, while leading a meeting or doing presentations and cheering them on.
4. Self-sacrifice/commitment: Offer to stay late, or help in tough tasks of your coworkers. Standup for a view point that may be controversial at work place and put yourself for them

5. Reliability/trust- Exhibit consistency and competency which will improve the reliability of the company and trust will help reach career goals.


  1. very useful topic mam.thank you

  2. This ethical information is very useful in my presentation. THANK YOU mam!


BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS