Thursday, 4 August 2022



St. Joseph’s College for Women (A), Visakhapatnam

Department Of Biochemistry With Department Of Biotechnology & Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

2 Day National Workshop on Immunoassays In collaboration with United Scientific Chemicals, Visakhapatnam

3rd to 4th September, 2021                                                Time: 9 AM to 4 PM




Inaugural session- Room No- T4

9.30 am

Welcoming the gathering and inviting guests on to the dais

Dr Mousami Shankar A


9.35 am

Prayer song

2nd BBC team


9.40 am


Dr P. Mary Anupama


9.45 am

About College and departments

Dr A. Veerabrahmam


9.50 am

Introduction to Chief guest- Dr P. Subhashini Devi, HOD, Dept of Biochemistry, Andhra University.

Dr Mousami Shankar A


9.55 am

Chief guest speech- Insights into structure of Immunoglobulin genes and antibody diversity

Dr P. Subhashini Devi

Chief guest and resource speaker


10.45 am

Q and A session- Moderator

Dr A Veerabrahmam


10.50 am

Felicitation to the chief guest

By organizers and dignitaries


10.55 am

Vote of thanks

Dr P. Mary Anupama


Tea break

11.05 am

Snacks will be served near Biotechnology lab, First floor of main building.

First demonstration session

11.45 am

Introduction to teaching kit- Double immunodiffusion

Dr P. Mary Anupama


Lunch Break From 12.25 Pm

1.00 pm

Demonstration will be started for experiment 1

Dr P. Mary Anupama

Dr A. Veerabrahmam

Dr Mousami Shankar A


3.30 pm


Student volunteers


4.0 pm

Close of first day program





9.15 am

Introduction to teaching kit- Radial Immunoassay

Dr Mousami Shankar Addala


9.30 am

Demonstration of kit

Dr Mousami Shankar A

Dr P. Mary Anupama

Dr A. Veerabrahmam



10.30 am

Tea break



10.45 am

Demonstration of experiment 2 – continued



12.15 pm

Lunch Break and spot event- 2


12.50 pm

Introduction to Teaching kit 3- DOT-ELISA

Dr A. Veerabrahmam


1.15 pm

Demonstration of experiment – 3

Dr A. Veerabrahmam

Dr Mousami Shankar A

Dr P. Mary Anupama


2.30 pm

Tea Break



2.40 pm

Experiment continues




3.30 pm

Inviting guests of honour on to the dias

Dr Mousami Shanker A


3.35 pm

Introduction to Dr Manikya Kumari, HOD, Dept. of Botany

Dr Mousami Shankar A


3.40 pm

Short speech by Dr Manikya Kumari mam



3.50 pm

Introduction to Vice- Principal

Dr A. Veerabrahmam



Addressing the gathering

Sr Hema


4.05 pm

Report on Workshop

Dr P. Mary Anupama


4.10 pm

Distribution of certificates

Dr Mousami Shankar A,

Dr A Veerabrahmam


4.25 pm

Feedback by participants



4.30 pm

Vote of thanks

Dr P. Mary Anupama



National anthem

2nd BBC students




Rationale for National Workshop on Immunoassays

Dates- 3rd and 4th August, 2022

Honorable chief guest and resource speaker for today’s program- Prof.P. Subhashini Devi mam, respected heads of the departments and faculties of st. joseph’s college for women and invited Heads of the departments from various colleges who came to be a part of the workshop, dear students and participants of the workshop.

This is Dr P. Mary Anupama, Coordinator for the workshop and head of the department of Biochemistry of SJC extended a warm welcome to the 2 day National workshop on Immunoassays which is being organized jointly by the Departments of Biochemistry and biotechnology of SJC in collaboration with United Scientific chemicals, Vsp.

This is our first offline workshop after covid.

We have seen a immense progression in assaying antigens and antibodies during covid time. We assay viral load and antibody levels in our body using RT PCR and rapid test. While some basic antigen -antibody analysis methods remain the same for decades. These are used as the simplest inexpensive methods and have played very important role in various bioanalytical settings, such as clinical diagnostics, biopharmaceutical analysis, environmental monitoring, security to food testing. We have both qualitative and quantitative methods that have evolved over the years that detect even the minute quantities of antigens.

Tremendous advances in bioanalytical platforms, immunoanalytical systems, and complementary technologies have led to various emerging Immunoassay formats.

Initially, most of the IAs, developed several decades ago, were based on radioimmunoassay (RIA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Consequently, RIA- and ELISA-based kits evolved for a wide range of analytes and these became commercially available as the antibodies were generated against such analytes.

Owing to extremely high sensitivity, specificity, precision, and throughput of ELISA, this format has served as the gold standard for a plethora of analytes. The last two decades has seen tremendous innovation in ELISA technology.

Through this workshop we will be demonstrating 3 teaching kits- The Ouchterlony method, Radial Immunoassay and Dot – ELISA.

We seek you cooperation as we proceed to the practical sessions after inaugural session.

Thank you all once again for honoring our invitation and being a part of it.


As the antigens interact with antibodies during the course of workshop, we wish to know more about our participants during the next 2 days of stay. have a wonderful time at SJC. Thank you.



First day of workshop- 3rd August , 2022

The inaugural function was joined by chief guest Prof. P. Subhashini Devi, Prof. PK Jayalakshmi, Dr Manikya Kumari, Dr Harini, Ms. Ramani Dhanaraj, Dr Padma Sundari, Dr Ramesh, Dr Praveen, Dr Rosina George, Dr Neha, Ms Indrani, Ms Prameela, Ms. Veena, Vicky Hale mam and many other faculty of the college.

Overall 8 colleges for registered for the event- Andhra Unviersity, Bullaya college, VS krishna College, AVN college, Gayatri vishya Prarishad, St. Anns College and students of PG from Home science department, St. Joseph’s college college, along the host department students of 2nd BBC.

 Total students registered- 118 + 5 faculty from various colleges


The chief guest has given her lecture on Antibody diversity which covered about introduction to immune system, the cells and organs of immune systems. Madam discussed about the cell proliferation and the changes that take place in specific in the B cell. As the cells mature, the cells express initially IgM and then IgD. These cells express other types of antibodies due to the class switching in the genes. The lecture included the events taking place at the germinal center of a secondary follicles in the secondary lymphoid organs. The various genes that give the antibody diversity at Hypervariable region include that which code for light chain and the variable chain variable regions. These lead to antibody diversity which account ot more than 4 lakhs types of antibodies. The diversity with respect to TCR was also discussed and was compared to antibody diversity.


This was followed by first practical demonstration session for the kit- Ouchterlony method.

The method was explained was Dr P. Mary Anupama and was demonstrated by Dr Anupama, Dr Veerabrahmam and Dr Mousami for all the students. They prepared the agarose slides and loaded antigens and antibodies and saved the slides to view next day.



Second day of workshop- 4th  August, 2022

The 2nd day workshop started with Explanation of the 2nd kit- Radial immunoassay by Dr Mousami Shankar . Experiment was demonstrated by the 3 coordinators. Spot event was conducted in between during the breaks.

The 3rd kit was explained was Dr A. Veerabrahmam and was demonstrated by all the 3 coordinators.

Valedictory function was graced by Chief guest, Sister Hema who is the Vice – principal of SJCW and Guest of Honor Dr Manikya Kumari mam who is the Head of the department of Botany. Dr Manikya kumari mam explained the importance of the study of immune system, analysis methods and illustrated the need to have good health and ways to get good health. Sister Hema explained how one can be active and maintain good immunity. She gave tips on good health.

This was followed by feedback from participants, where many of them expressed their happiness to be a part of this hands on training workshop

Certificate distribution was done and the event closed with group photographs.




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BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

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