Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Guest lecture given at VITS






RESOURCE SPEAKER: Dr P. Mary Anupama, In-charge Head of the Department of Biochemistry, St. Joseph’s College for Women, Visakhapatnam

Date- 18th May, 2022

Topic- Ethics and Values for a better future

Mode- Offline mode

ORGANIZING AGENCY- Visakha Institute of Technology and Sciences, Narava, Visakhapatam



Ethic and values are a need to professionals as well as individual to be successful in our day to day lives. Students have to imbibe these values and make them part of life. It is very easy for adolescent children to get carried away with values learnt from peer group but they rarely think of setting standards of high end so that their classmates look up to them and move on to achieve their goals in life.

The values that the students must practice are- Integrity, Honesty, Self-Confidence, Caring , Sharing, Respecting others, Professional behaviour at work place, Valuing Time, Physical fitness, spirituality etc

All of these were illustrated with suitable examples

On the same day- Disha app was also downloaded by girls and boys of the college

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