Saturday, 29 January 2022

Guest lecture given for Nehru Yuva kendra on - CATCH THE RAIN WHEN IT FALLS, WHERE IT FALLS


Guest lecture given

Date- 28th January, 2022

Resource speaker- Dr P. Mary Anupama, Dept of Biochemistry, St. joseph’s College for Women, Vsp

Summary report- The seminar covered the need to conserve water by implementing rain water harvesting techniques.

It included statistics on water availability, its usage in various forms at domestic level, agriculture to industires. Then the basic methods to use at micro and macro level was elaborated.

These include- roof top catchment method of various types and scales of roofs at village and urban levels.

Then macro was at the level of agriculture and waste lands left out for rain water harvesting.

No. of registrants- 83

No- of participants were 54

NYK director sir- Sri Mohan garu participated and summarized the talk

Certificates were issued by NYK to the participants.


Link for the meeting recording-


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