Saturday, 6 November 2021

It is about being humane

 I always used to think what makes man so unique.

Are we human beings so thoughtful as God expected us to be. 

As we were told by God to take care of all the living creatures,  are we doing that?

Does man think of consequences of His actions 

Is culture and humanity related??is religion the only thing that dominates our actions ignoring consequences??

Can people be so blind ignoring the fate of fellow living creatures??

I have so many questions in mind that I keep asking to myself and to some like minded people. 

Socialization is part of life and that has nothing to do with our deeds. 

I always had thoughts and actions that were denied or bullied by others.

Not eating non-veg due to self realization made me different human as such. 

Religion has never taught me nor the rituals,  but enlightened by watching few documentaries on cruality on animals made me think further as to how I can be a change.

After few years of solo struggle I met some people who are like minded and then my journey strengthened 

God gifted me to see and hear cry of nature through documentaries, videos and stories shared by people. 

There are many people around us who believe in serving humans, as service to man is service to God.

God has told us to be kind and caring. Care of everyone whom you come across.  

With time as I has pets I saw how they feel and how they express their love.

As my kid was born , yes jessy.. she was over sensitive to sounds which made me to calm down a lot. As I life progressed I started working on growing plants to produce my oxygen. 

Did some social service   did try to care for fellow human beings  

Then came joy .  My daughter who expired in 2019  her stay for 2 years taught me so much that today I live by those principles. 

Care for voiceless was my slogan, as yess, they do feel, they are alive and we the dominant species behave ignorant.

I saw many hitting dogs, shoeing off cats, hitting birds , killing aninals for food .. and this goes on.

Uprooting trees, not growing plants is a part of many families mindset. But pathetically since 2 days I saw many people talking bad about what they are doing?

I saw babies departed from their parents due to the havoc created by man. I heard cries of animals and saw fear in their eyes.  We create such frightening situations and say I will live my way.. off... how stupid and ignorant is human behavior..

Cant spell everything hear, but I want God .  Who ever it maybe be to open  their eyes and what we are doing to mother earth and our fellow living beings. 

May God make people understand that being human beings is more important than other aspects that are added .... mainly caste and religion. 

Think and act

Think and speak 

Think and be kind enough to take stand 

It is not just you.  It is also about God's creation. 

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BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS