Sunday, 10 May 2020

From A Teachers Heart During Lockdown

 Hi everyone.

I am Dr Anupama. I am working as a faculty at St. Joseph's college for women,  Visakhapatnam.

This quarantine has taught me many lessons and I am missing many things that motivated me and pushed me towards achieving things.

I miss the joy of waking up early in the morning to plan for my kid and pets.

I miss that drive to college during that rush hour.

I miss my college premises which had that beautiful garden and great ambiance 

I miss my place, my chair where I used to sit and do all my work.

I miss my books held up in the cupboard and the files which were updated just before lockdown.

I miss smiles of my girls who greeted from heart. Their smiles took me miles in my career.

I miss those faculty who always kept my spirits high. Thank you for everything that you have done.

I miss the classroom where I had the opportunity to impart knowledge to students.

I miss lab and that environment where I got chance to impart those skills to my students.

I miss going to library to search books that can help me with my cluster classes.

I also want to thank few people who challenged me in many ways.

I thank all those who judged me frequently. I miss you all.

I thank people who enjoyed mocking me. I miss your provocative statements that helped me push myself towards peaks of performance.

I thank those whose back talks, which at times made me feel bad, but I prayed to God frequently just because of you all.

Leaving the negative part..................

I miss those motivated faculty who drove me crazy with their perfection and commitment 

This lock down has taught me various ways of imparting and gaining knowledge. 

We explored ways of teaching and communicating.

We teachers started facing cameras with no objections.

We managed ourselves through this virtual world and got adjusted to teaching with no direct feed back from students.
We managed house hold works and work from home just like IT professionals.

We became multitaskers and learned to excel.

We are all striving to do courses online. 

We are all attending Webinars and also planning to organize them.

We are attending Virtual Faculty development courses and learning things with utmost sincerity. 

We are all trying to upgrade and get set to face challenges to teach and assess online.

Few things have really changed with me.

Yet I learned to manage. 

Manage life admits adversity. 

Caught back memories, hangout with family and friends in a virtual way.. 

Spending time with family and doing creative things at home..yes i did

I did some art and craft work, started to sing and dance with heart

Realized that life is very short and i recall all those moments which i lost and could not spend with kids and friends.

Nothing was more important in those days than work and then home. but now it is a balance between work and  home.

I have seen parents spending more time with children

Children cooking for mom. 

Creativity exploded and internet is with all happenings. 

We do not know if Corona virus is God made or man made.

But it has taught lost of lessons and is a blessing in disguise.

I know many people have died, economy is lost, Yet we learned that Life is important and survival is important than anything in this world.

Helping hands poured out and fed humans and animals.

People starting praying for the world and stopped being selfish prayers. 

I will end up saying



  1. Awesome dear Anupama!! Iam so blessed because in time God has given me an awesome and true friend like you!! Who r very few in this present world!!

  2. Hello Anupama,

    Very well expressed, yes, though we are missing few experiences, it has given us new experiences.

    Thanking God for everything that's happening is the right way.

  3. Super message mam🙏🙏

  4. You have very nicely compiled all the different experiences and brought them all in a very lucid manner, some withv iluustrations. Wish you all the Best. May God bless you.


BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS