Friday, 4 January 2019

case studies on Environment topics

BIOGAS BUSES IN KARACHI- Karachi will soon launch Zero emission Green bus rapid transit ( BRT) that will be operating using Biomethane. It is claimed to be the first project that has Approval from Green climate fund which has multiple economical and environmental benefits. Karachi has 40 lakh buffaloes, from which they get 3,200 tonnes of waste and from these biogas would be produced to run the fleet of 200 buses. It would also produce fertilizer that support organic farming.

43 Fashion gaints pledge to cut their carbon emissions by 30% by the year 2030 and this they pledged at the recent UN climate Talks. this was announced by the UN Climate chief Patrica Espinosa. the giants include Adidas, Exprit, Hugo Boss, Levi strauss, Puma, Salomon and Kering groups. Their priorities would be to use climate friendly materials, go for low carbon transport and also stop using coal based boilers. They would encourage consumers to increase the life span of clothing material, despite the fast fashion changes.

This is a really inspiring article in Hindu News paper, where a very busy soft ware engineer, who has to do lots of air travel and a estate owner in Germany is now looking seriously to cut down his carbon emissions from 27 metric tonnes to 6-7 metric tonnes per annum. The 27 metric tonnes emissions was calculated by him keeping in mind his food habits , to house to travel. Looking at the environment changes and the need of the day , this engineer has made necessary changes in food habits, uses mass transport and improved insulation of his old house. He got rid of his XUV and own a bike.
A sociologist named Fritz, is now educating people in Berlin to cut down their carbon emission and he could make more than 100 families to do so. Scientist say that carbon emissions per person should come down to 2 to 3 tons.

 Reference- The Hindu Thursday editions.

Plastic waste imports in India - A expanding threat 

Imports on PET bottle and flasks have increased from 12000 Metric tons in FY 2016-17 to 48,000 MT in FY 17-18, where the growth is at 290%.
About 9 million tonnes of plastic waste is generated in India annually.

Discarded PET bottles in India are typically collected by scrap dealers for Rs.14-15/kg. 90% of all PET bottles are recycled in India
The production of plastic materials is done in more than 30,000 units that are estimated to employ 4 million people in India.
The Indian packaging industry, the largest consumer  plastic, is valued at over Rs. 32 billion and offers employment to more than 10 lakhs people.

Reference- The Hindu dated 22/1/2019

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BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS