Friday, 4 October 2019

Human errors and environment damage related articles

Humans Produce 100x More CO2 Than All Earth's Volcanoes Combined

According to a decade-long study by an international team of researchers, human CO2 emissions total 100 times more than the planet-warming effects of all volcanoes combined.
The total amount emitted by volcanoes is only about 0.3 gigatons a year - a tiny fraction of the 37 gigatons humankind produced in 2018 alone.
That means they're not nearly as big of a contributor to global emissions as some prevailing theories hold.
"Climate skeptics really jump on volcanoes as a possible contender for top CO2 emissions but it's simply not the case," Marie Edmonds, Professor of Volcanology and Petrology at Queens' College, Cambridge, told told Agence France-Presse.
In the distant past, there have been freak incidents on a similar scale to today's human CO2 output - and they were catastrophic. One such carbon event was the Chicxulub asteroid impact, 66 million years ago, which the scientists estimate to have released anywhere between 425 and 1,400 gigatons of CO2.
But the impact of industrial civilization is now taking a comparable toll.
"The amount of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere by [manmade] activity in the last 10-12 years [is equivalent] to the catastrophic change during these events we've seen in Earth's past," Edmonds told AFP.
"We are on the same level of carbon catastrophe which is a bit sobering," Celina Suarez, Associate Professor of Geology at the University of Arkansas, added.
The team of scientists released a series of papers as part of the so-called Deep Carbon Observatory, a global research program founded in 2009.
Unfortunately, for the Earth to level out carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, it'll be a very long while.
"It will rebalance itself, but not on a timescale that is of significance to humans," Suarez said.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Collection of Articles on No religion No caste stand cases and religious hormony

Case study on religious hormony- from The Hindu, 10/5/2019 edition
Saji Cheriyan also built Mariam Umm Eisa mosque for them
An Indian Christian businessman, who built a mosque for Muslim workers in the UAE, is serving iftar meals to nearly 800 workers during the ongoing month of Ramzan.
Saji Cheriyan, 49, who hails from Kayamkulam in Kerala, built the mosque last year for Muslim workers living in an accommodation that he rented out to 53 companies in Fujairah.
He built the Mariam Umm Eisa (Mary, the Mother of Jesus) mosque after he saw workers spending their earnings on taxis to get to the nearest mosque during the holy month.
Ramzan began on May 7.
Humble beginning
Mr. Cheriyan, who landed in the UAE in 2003 with just a few hundred dirhams, hosts iftar for about 800 people, including workers and other senior employees of various companies at an air conditioned convention centre in the same complex, the Gulf News reported.
The mosque opened on the 17th night of Ramadan last year. So, I could offer iftar to the worshippers only for the remaining days. From this year, I would be doing it every day, he was quoted as saying by the newspaper.
The iftar meal includes dates, fresh fruits, snacks, juice, water and biryani. “I have made arrangements to offer different types of biryani so that they don’t get bored eating the same dish every iftar,” he said.
Abdul Qayum, a 63-year-old Pakistani bus driver, who had iftar on Wednesday, appreciated Mr. Cheriyan’s efforts.
“The world needs people like him. If there are no people like him, the world will end. We are praying for him. Allah will bless him.”
Vajas Abdul Wahid, an Indian employed as assistant manager with a company, said there are employees of more than 50 companies living in the area.
“Senior employees and labourers are staying in separate accommodations. But, when we come here, we are all equal. We pray and have iftar together, he added.
The mosque in Al Hayl Industrial Area can accommodate 250 worshippers at a time. Facilities for another 700 to pray in the interlocked courtyard of the mosque, which will be shaded by the time it opens, have also been arranged.

Friday, 25 January 2019

Code of ethics in Banking- A brief write up

Introduction to Ethics:
The term Ethics is derived from the Greek word Ethos, which refers to the philosophical sciences that deals with the rightness and wrongness of one’s behavior. Professional ethics deals with regulation of members of a profession with each other and with society. It deals with aspects like organizational ethics, in-house behavior and culture and solving problem within and outside the organization.
In banking sector that deals with aspects like saving, transfer of funds, exposure to market; simultaneously taking care of profits and productivity principles, employees are expected to exhibit certain professional and ethical principles. They not just have to take care of growth of the bank, but also have to be honest and fair, improve banking facilities, compete with other bank ( in a fair way), but also take care of customers, share holder and employees amid ethical principles.

Golden Rules of Ethics:
·         Everything you want others to do to you, you shall do to others
·          Do not do to others that which you do not wish them to do to you
·          Do not do anything to others that if done to you, would cause harm to you

Ethics & Banking:

In Banking, the success or failure of a bank depends on its long term reputation and its success or failure records. A bank’s success is based on the most important aspect ie., trust that they gain from customers, stake holders, community and from the employees within. They have to maintain ethical standards in taking up risks. As they get involved with customers who may be depositors or borrowers, who can be at times risky ( due to external influences during lending money, proper considerations and standards need to be maintained at all times. Bankers depend on people to run business and hence they have to frequently reflect upon their code of ethics.

Balancing Ethical Principles in Banking:

Principle of Mutual Trust is of special importance for successful functioning of the business system. Important and valuable deals are very often contracted over the phone, in the absence of witnesses, while the relationship between the participants is dominated by the inviolable principle of mutual trust.  
Principle of Mutual Benefit and Interest means that none of the partners in a business relationship should feel cheated  
Principle of Good Intentions is very important for business ethics and moral behavior.  This means that one has to treat their business partner in moral way ( No deception, theft or some other undesirable behavior)
Principle of Business Compromise and Business Tolerance refers to the harmonization of the conflicting interests of participants in the business process;  
Principle of ethical improvement of business behavior represents the business partner's readiness to accept the mistake that has been made as a result of his own actions. They should admit the mistakes and respond in an appropriate way;  
Principle of Demonopolization of One's Own Position, because monopolistic behavior on the market does not have any ethical market value and  
Principle of Conflict Between One's Own Interests refers to the inability to relate common to personal interests, with simultaneous adherence to the same ethical values.

Importance of Ethics in Banking: Ontologism based on the concept of good as opposed to evil helps us define the banking business from the point of view of ethics. The idea of awareness or conscience of the need for banking products or services inevitably comes to mind. This simplified parallel leads us to the conclusion that full awareness of related ethics, about the importance of banking products and services is imminent to all economies, regardless of their economic development. Incorporation of ethical aspects in banking promotes the following -
·         To define acceptable behavior
·         To promote high standards of practice
·         To provide a benchmark for self- evaluation
·         To establish a framework for professional behavior & responsibilities
·         Stand as a vehicle of occupational identity
·          It creates credibility with the public
·         It gives management credibility with employees
·         It helps in better decision making
·         Law cannot protect society, while ethics can.

Role of Bank Manger as an ethical and professional practitioner:

A Bank mangers need to exhibit the values of professional ethics at work place and set an example for all his / her subordinates to follow.

1)      They have to comply with all laws, rules and regulations that are framed
2)      They must ensure fair and equitable treatment of all employees, stake holders and customers.
3)      They must ensure full, truthful and transparent disclosure of their financial health.
4)      They must behave as socially responsible corporate citizens.
5)      Ensure a fair return to the depositors and safety of deposits.
6)      Minimize spread between cost of funds and lending rates.
7)      Develop effective risk management systems.
8)      Treat clients with courtesy.
9)      Offer services promptly.
10)  Make proper use of information and communications technology to enhance efficiency in providing services.
11)  Protect minority shareholders' interest.
12)  Set up management systems which clearly specify the functions of the Board, key management personnel such as the Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary, Heads of Divisions and Departments etc.
13)  Treat employees fairly and compassionately.
14)  Arrange for requisite employee training.
15)  Ensure non-discrimination in personnel practices and support employees' and their family members' access to basic health, education and housing needs.
16)  Finance activities which contribute to environmental protection, employment creation, poverty alleviation and women's empowerment.
17)  Devise innovative products without assumption of undue risk.
18)  Arrange flexible mortgage payments for poor people's housing.
19)  Try to expand operations to unbanked or under banked sectors, regions and population groups.
20)  Emphasize recovery, but with a human face.
21)  Develop an internal code of ethics and set up an institutional arrangement to monitor compliance and suggest remedial actions, where needed.

Friday, 4 January 2019

case studies on Environment topics

BIOGAS BUSES IN KARACHI- Karachi will soon launch Zero emission Green bus rapid transit ( BRT) that will be operating using Biomethane. It is claimed to be the first project that has Approval from Green climate fund which has multiple economical and environmental benefits. Karachi has 40 lakh buffaloes, from which they get 3,200 tonnes of waste and from these biogas would be produced to run the fleet of 200 buses. It would also produce fertilizer that support organic farming.

43 Fashion gaints pledge to cut their carbon emissions by 30% by the year 2030 and this they pledged at the recent UN climate Talks. this was announced by the UN Climate chief Patrica Espinosa. the giants include Adidas, Exprit, Hugo Boss, Levi strauss, Puma, Salomon and Kering groups. Their priorities would be to use climate friendly materials, go for low carbon transport and also stop using coal based boilers. They would encourage consumers to increase the life span of clothing material, despite the fast fashion changes.

This is a really inspiring article in Hindu News paper, where a very busy soft ware engineer, who has to do lots of air travel and a estate owner in Germany is now looking seriously to cut down his carbon emissions from 27 metric tonnes to 6-7 metric tonnes per annum. The 27 metric tonnes emissions was calculated by him keeping in mind his food habits , to house to travel. Looking at the environment changes and the need of the day , this engineer has made necessary changes in food habits, uses mass transport and improved insulation of his old house. He got rid of his XUV and own a bike.
A sociologist named Fritz, is now educating people in Berlin to cut down their carbon emission and he could make more than 100 families to do so. Scientist say that carbon emissions per person should come down to 2 to 3 tons.

 Reference- The Hindu Thursday editions.

Plastic waste imports in India - A expanding threat 

Imports on PET bottle and flasks have increased from 12000 Metric tons in FY 2016-17 to 48,000 MT in FY 17-18, where the growth is at 290%.
About 9 million tonnes of plastic waste is generated in India annually.

Discarded PET bottles in India are typically collected by scrap dealers for Rs.14-15/kg. 90% of all PET bottles are recycled in India
The production of plastic materials is done in more than 30,000 units that are estimated to employ 4 million people in India.
The Indian packaging industry, the largest consumer  plastic, is valued at over Rs. 32 billion and offers employment to more than 10 lakhs people.

Reference- The Hindu dated 22/1/2019

Case study on silicosis- Industry negligence and negligence of Human rights

This articel is Publshed in The Hindu, on 5th Jan, 2019 and the report is written by Mr. K. Venkateswarulu. The title of the article is Telanganas " Village of Widows"

This is a mere case of negligence by Management of Industry and ignorance of workers that led to death of many men working a quartz mining factory. The village is left with widows and is now called as the village of widows who are waiting for the compensation for over 40 years.
It is a quartz mining and crushing factory was established in 1965 by Andhra Pradesh mining and Development corporation (APMDC) at Elkatta, a small village 5Km away from Shadnagar of Mehbubnagar district, telangana. by 1970's it turned down to be a village of widows as men working in the mine died due to silicosis.
The article mentions of fact that the truth was suppressed. Workers getting cough were told that was a temporary phenomenon and were given jaggery as a temporary relief. Exposure to the dust left many workers suffer short breath, severe cough and this disease is incurable. by the year 1974, the factory was abandoned but compensation was not given. Many private doctors, NGO's have studied the case, reports were submitted and the fact that its gross negligence of authorities is also suppressed. Victims wait for compensation and after 4 decades Telangana State Mining and development corporation is looking at the issue due to high court orders.
The pathetic condition is reported by Mr. M. Samba Siva Rao, an NGO who reported it and fought for it . He says that The doctors were either clueless or they deliberately suppressed the fact that the workers were suffering from silicosis.  A high court order was given on Dec 19, 2018 and now the TSMDC has started its survey to list out the victims, based on some proof and medical reports, to give compensation.
But Mr Rao has his doubts. He says many families employment related records were seized by Director general of Safety. He says " The authorities must show their humane face and extend compensation to the victims. They should be forced to run around offices and hospitals to prove their misery".


Lets pray that the widows get compensation before they leave this world.


BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS