Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Khadi mahotsav pledge by SJCW rangers team

 Khadi Mahotsav Pledge

Date- 19th t0 24th October, 2023                                                                    


Ranger leaders present- Dr P. Mary Anupama

The ranger Students of SJCW (A) have taken pledge from the MyGov app. They took pledge online mode to support Khadi and encourage khadi industry. The following students took part in the online pledge

Lakshmi Haurini Duda

Jashwitha Indumathi

Hema Vasupalli

Tulasi Tanuja Lavali

Ganapalla Jyothika Tejasri

Risu Likitha

N Jyothsna Sree

Ganga Indu

Siri Vyshnavi

Anjali Sahu

Alisha Praveen

Syed Sameena Yousifa Begum

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Khadi Mahotsav Pledge


Date- 19th t0 24th October, 2023                                                                    


Ranger leaders present- Dr P. Mary Anupama

The ranger Students of SJCW (A) have taken pledge from the MyGov app. They took pledge online mode to support Khadi and encourage khadi industry.

Saturday, 21 October 2023

Beach Clean up by Rangers- 4

 Beach Clean up by Rangers- 4


Date- 22nd  September, 2023                                                              Time- 6.30 AM to 8.0 AM


Ranger leaders present- Dr P. Mary Anupama

The Rangers Team joined  Vizag volunteers to do the beach clean up drive at the Kalam point, beach road, Visakhapatnam. The team was joined by Miss Hema, the beach cleanup 

Saturday, 14 October 2023

One day work shop on Environmental technologies for future Green jobs and Entrepreneurship

 This was on 14th October at the department of Environmental science, Gitam

Had the privilege to meet Mishra sir at Murthy bhavan for life sciences

BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS