Monday, 14 August 2023

Ranger students at police barex independence day celebrations

 Miss G. Jyothika Tejasri, 2nd MPC

Miss A. Siri Vyshnavi 2nd MPC and

Miss Junia Suvarna Rani T, 2nd BiPC

These students participated in the independence day parade at district level and were given certificates by Bharth scouts and guides wing

Independence day celebrations at SJC

25 team contingent participated in independence day parade at SJC
The students were dtrained by Miss Dyuthi, Miss Nikarika and Miss Aswini
Members name who were there for  parade (15/8/23)
Alisha parveen 
Anjali sahu 
Karen d cruz
Tulasi tanuja laveti
Trisha kondeti
Syed sameena yousifa begun
Likhitha brahmini  chamanthula
Likitha risu 
Jashwitha indumathi rajana
Jyothsna sree navudu
Laxmi haurini duda 
Geethanjali ganagalla 
Kajol bobbili
Pragathi dadi
Sruthi Karri
Hema vasupalli
Indu Ganga
Rehana parveen
Alajangi tejomani
Garikina yogeswari
Balabadruni gowhathi srija
Chodipilli shobha rani
Dugga yogitha
Boora anusha jyothi
Priya tiwari


Investiture ceremony of rangers team

 14th August 2023

The St. Joseph's College rangers team were officially given badges and scarf by the Principal of the college Dr Sr Shyji. Out of 24 registered participants, after thorough scrutiny 20 students were awarded in the ceremony.

Only regular students and those who completed assessments were allowed to proceed tot he ceremony

Principal interacted with all the students and motivated them to do more

Girls done with investiture ceremony:
Alisha Parveen
Anjali Sahu
Trisha Kondeti
Siri vyshnavi
Karen D'cruz
Tulasi Tanuja laveti
Syed Sameena Yousifa Begum
Likitha Brahmini Chamanthula
Likitha Risu
Jashwitha Indumathi Rajana
Jyothsna sree navudu
Laxmi Haurini duda
Geetanjali ganagalla
Kajol Bobbili
Pragati dadi
Sruthi karri
Hema Vasupalli
Indu Ganga
Rehana Parveen
J Jyothika Tejasree
Junia Suvarna Rani.T

BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS