Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Ayurvedic medical camp at SJC

 Dear faculty. A gentle reminder about tomorrow's  medical camp.

*Santhigiri Ayurveda and Siddha Hospital will be conducting a medical camp in our college on 26th, April 2023 from 11am to 1 pm.*

In this regard the faculty are hereby informed to avail the opportunity and visit the camp. 

They are specialists in treatment for the following -

Back pain

Neck pain

Knee joint pain


Muscular pains



Bone degeneration

Ligament injuries

They also have treatments for others like PCOD to steam bath and massage.

Based on the turn out, they will send the doctor once in two weeks with zero Consultation charges .

Hence you are requested to make use of this medical camp. 

Thanks and regards

Student council

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Activity for isoelectric focussing

 Students were named a particular pH and paper strip having protein PI value was passed. Passing stop when PI = PHstudents have to explain reason

BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS