Sunday, 26 February 2023

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

World Thinking Day at SJC

 Today was the first day to call for entries to join Bharat Scouts and Guides program. Intermediate students, Agricultural students and students from degree of the college gathered 

We gave introduction to the day, contributions of Baden Powell and Lady Baden Powell.

Taught sign and claps

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Videos of Ranger leader knot making


Ranger Leader Dr Anupama

 Attended one week training program on the course- Basic course in Ranger Leader, of Bharath Scouts and Guides organized at Dr Lankepalli Bullayya College, Visakhapatnam

 Dates - 4th to 10th February 2023

BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS