Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Hair donation program organized by student council at SJC

Hair donation program is organized by   in collaboration with Student council of St. Joseph's College for women, Visakhapatnam on 23rd February 2022 from 1 to 4 pm.

over 112 students participated in the program which include 80 students, 10 teachers, 5 sister and 5 teachers from Sacred Heart school.

Share Love, Share Hope, Share Hair (SHAIR)
*Green Trends Salon* has taken an ambitious vision to create awareness & extend support to a noble cause of spreading hope and courage to underprivileged cancer survivors by offering natural wigs to the needy. Cancer patients with side effects of chemotherapy and radiation lose their identity, lack self esteem and lower morale. These wigs positively reinforce their self esteem.
They conduct hair donation programs & camps to collect hair and to create an ecosystem where donors can donate their hair, without any fear.
The Hair Donation Camp in St Joseph’s College for Women organized by a Team of 6 from Green Trends was a BIG SUCCESS:
Satish (Manager)
Srinivas Rao (Manager)
Srinivas (Manager)
Jagadeesh (Hair & Beauty)
Ramu ( Hair & Beauty)
Appa Rao ( Stylist)
Thank you Green Trends for this initiative!
Whenever the Captain of the Ship sets the example others follow. Our Principal Dr Sr Shyji donated her hair for this noble cause along with 4 other sisters from the campus.
A Total of 112 stakeholders from the campus have donated their hair with lots of love and sacrifice because for a woman her beauty lies in her hair tresses. This includes students , Faculty of SJC, 5 sisters , 5 women from Sacred Heart School. May God bless all these women who gave up their hair to bring smiles on the faces of many people
Hats off to the Vibrant Student Council (Student Leaders and Faculty Advisers) - Disha, Kavya, Mounika, Satya Varshini, Sri Meghana, Asha and Faculty Advisors - Dr Anupama, Veena Spanadana, Sony who motivated them to donate their most loved hair

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Medical camp- initiated and executed successfully






Date- 07-02-2022                                                                   Time- 9.0  AM TO 5 PM



Dr. P. Mary Anupama

Dr Mousami Shankar Addala

Mega Medical Camp in SJCW with Tirumala Vijaya Hospital


The IQAC, SJCW with Student Council and the Dept of Biochemistry of St Joseph’s College for Women (A) in collaboration with Tirumala Vijaya Hospital organised a Medical Camp with Hemoglobin and Blood group Testing (4 tests) on Monday 7th February from 9.00 am onwards till 5.00 pm.


87 Volunteers including very active BBC Students, Executive Student Council leaders and NSS Volunteers were on their feet the whole day. Two Doctors Dr Amar and Dr Amulya with 10 Paramedical staff handled the Tests. In all 400+ HB Count tests, 50 Random Blood sugar tests, 600 Blood grouping tests by BBC students in their Biochemistry Lab and 500 General check up for students and Staff (Teaching and Non Teaching) made it very successful. Many of the Faculty and Non teaching Staff had the tests done. 


The Principal Dr Sr Shyji inaugurated the Camp with Faculty Advisors Ms Ramani Dhanaraj (PRO), Dr Mary Anupama (Coordinator of the Camp) Dr Bhaskara Sudha ( IQAC Coordinator), Dr Moushmi Shankar, Sr Latha, Mrs Sony and Mrs Veena Spandana. She had a word with the Doctors and thanked them for their efforts. While visiting the Biochemistry Lab she learnt about the technique used in blood grouping. 


The doctors were available for consultation and also prescribed medication. The Medical Camp was very successful as all the students and Staff benefited from it.


Kudos to the Dept of Biochemistry Incharge Dr Mary Anupama Palukurty who coordinated the whole event very well with her colleagues Dr Moushmi Mousami Shankar Addala, Student Council Leaders and the Hospital staff. 

The Biochemistry students deserve a big applause for all the blood group testing and hard work.


The Student Council leaders - President Disha Vaidya, Vice President Kavya, Treasurer Mounika, Meghana, Satya Vardhini Poojitha and the BBC Leaders especially Mahalakshmi worked out a systematic clustering schedule in advance and made the smooth conduct possible. Kudos to each of the Volunteers


Thanks to Sr Mary for all the support and hospitality assistance


Thanks to the Press for good coverage

Wednesday, 2 February 2022




                                                            Date- 24th January, 2022

National Girl Child Day was celebrated by St. Joseph’s College for Women with Sacred Hearts School of Gnanpuram on 24th January, 2022.

The event included events by students of both the organizations. The students of 6th and 7th classes were present who are around 150.

The Miss Harshini  sang one song, Miss Vaishnavi delivered a message and the 3rd BBC students performed skit on the need to female foeticide and need to educate society on the same. P.Harshini, k. Lakshmi prasanna, Renuka Reddy, V.Maha lakshmi,V.Harika,V. Lavanya,B. Vaishnavi, Rooth parimala,Madhuri,K.swathi performed the skit.

The event was presided by Sister Sangeetha, the principal of Sacred Heart school, Dr P. Mary Anupama of St. Joseph’s college and teachers of Sacred heart school.

BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS