Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Fundamental rights- concern over Freedom of speech and expression

Hi everyone. Let me tell you before you see this post that, this write up is about my personal experiences and some facts from NEWS.

We have six fundamental rights and all our Indians are aware of them. It is a gift to all Indians and not just to few people to exercise these write and also understand the limitations of each. We have to set our personal limitations out of our understanding of How t o use? Where to use and Where not to exercise these rights. Unawareness of these limitations, Language limitations and lack of command over it, personal opinion presentations in a provocative way, Attention grabbing are few of the reasons because of which people use this particular right in various ways.

I hope all of us aware of reality shows, and how people get provoked to give statements loud to gain public attentions. Many politicians give hate speeches to put down opponents or to prove themselves. At home we see adolescent kids and frustrated parents using unwanted language to make their words heard loud. This is happening routinely every where and we take such situations for granted. And this may the reason why many people give hate speeches or talk words publicly in social media too to forcibly put up their words, so that they can provoke others or again gain attention.

I recently heard a conversation between few well learnt people over situations happening in a holy place in Kerala. women are fighting for entry into the temple and I am totally unaware of the reasons because of which entry of women is prohibited. There was a new paper in which the clipping and a text was stating about the ongoing conflicts on the issue. And here started the freedom of interpretation and expression of speech. A gentle man says, " Why women are doing protests and not respecting God.? if they respect God , they must stop all this. They have no other work than to protest and insult God. This does not happen with other religions. Muslims do not enter their mosque, Christians have restrictions and no one talks about it. if muslims have asked their head would be chopped off!!!" And one lady says , " Yes they dont touch those religions". and another continues " Hindus are targeted all the time".
    WHAT'S GOING ON......................

One more whatsapp message that has gone viral and which i read is that during Diwali. Sam hate speech. Diwali the festival of lights is celebrated by every Indian. YES, I REPEAT EVERY INDIAN.  We burn crackers and enjoy in collective participation. Now the concern is that of pollution and every one is trying to cut down pollution ( the same happened with ganesha nd we have green ganesha). Due to restrictions onthe timings and awareness on making it back as festival o flights and to decrease unnecessary burning of unlimited crackers taht add to release of toxic compounds this thing has come. And the message goes says that always Hindu festivals are targeted. Methane emissions on christmas and bakrid are more and they are to be banned instead they are stopping us from burning crackers. So let revolt and exhibit our disagreement by burning more crackers. .............. " WHAT IS THIS AGAIN????????? Was my expression.
People eat only on christmas and New year? is this so??
then what is happening on sundays?? at every hotel, every foot court every out let?? they sell chicken, mutton , fish?? and Food to methane is being told and that too produced by two religions again.. Christians and muslims.... IS THIS SOOO.......

Please please, India is a country that allows survival of all the people and constitution has given the basic right to follow the religion.


Through this write up I humbly request the present generation. Please evolve and understand that we are humans first and our aim should be to help each other, encourage each other and support each other.
Use your instincts, understanding and then speak, as this alone earns you respect and through this alone you can leave a mark and have a place in people's heart.

Have a great living.  

Monday, 5 March 2018


            Sensitivity is defined as the state of being prone to, being sensitive to or it is the degree of responsiveness that people exhibit, to changes or challenges or demands. As we see these definitions, each individual have their own perception of using the same term for various reasons in various situations. But the term has different meaning in medical field, stating it as the capacity to respond to a stimulus.

            How are we sensibly applying these terms to the situation happening around us? This term has been used by many people to exhibit their intolerance to criticism or feedback. Statements like “I am too sensitive so please talk politely to me” or “I am too sensitive to people”. A personalized usage of this term has led to creation of walls around themselves, not allowing to other to express their views, ideas or thoughts. Very wrong usage among children has made the parents go blank, leading to suicides for not purchasing a game or scolding them for time wastage to failures.

            During the past decade, people mindset has changes and sensitivity levels have further reduced towards society and also towards each other. One mile walk with friends was a fun, but today it is done only as exercise and not in routine life. If a person approaches for help, people used to welcome them home but now, such things are rare, except for partying and time pass. Elders stand in bus while youngsters avoid giving them place out of respect. Wishing each other is gone except of good morning wishes in social media. We do not move out of house to help neighbors, while sit in our comfort zone and share stories of social awareness. We never plant trees, take care of environment or any living creature around but share posts and videos in social media. We talk of sensitivity and we are insensitive towards social happening around. We talk of pollution and we ignore when it is our turn, to switch to Ecofriendly celebrations. We participate in competitions on social awareness, Swatch Bharath and patriotism, but we don’t mind spitting in public places, littering roads and cause lots of noise pollution whenever we feel like. We are aware of air pollution and we still neglect our emissions from vehicles.

            One of the pathetic situations which I observed in recent days was that a dead body was not allowed into a apartment premises in the name of custom. Society has advanced, and still bringing a dead person home, is objected by neighbors. Big people with small hearts. The agony of the family has melted many around, and with long persuasion the body was allowed for its final rituals. You don’t touch hearts of your family members, but talk about sensitive heart. We cannot render a helping hand to your colleagues and still say am sensitive. You cannot feel the pain of desperate and destitute people, but expect immediate help. Man has become a mere taker and never a giver.

            Sensitivity always goes with sensibility and empathy. A person, who can empathize with others, feels sensitive about other situations and feelings too. Sensitivity comes with social responsibility as well as responsibility towards family. It is term which is to be used with utmost care. We see this in small children who have no prejudice. They care for everyone around. A small boy of the age of 5 years, pushes his mother tricycle happily enjoying the journey with her till home. A little girl talks about good and kind words to elders whose language of addressing changes with age. Small girl who is punished by teachers wipes off her tears and tries not to repeat mistakes with responsibility. Watering road side plants, taking care of animals, feeding destitute, social service, taking care of aged people within family, all these are the acts of sensitive people.

            Sensitivity comes with understanding. A person who is quickly sensitive is inseparable from his ready to understand nature. Sensitivity is always strength and it is not a representation of weakness. Insensitivity is always a selfish attribute and is ugly, while sensible and empathizing people are always humble and beautiful.


            Dr P.Mary Anupama

Articles on cyber crime

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BECS winners appreciated at special assembly

 Special appreciation to Biochemsitry major students in assembly for thier prize at National conference organized by BECS