Friday 6 September 2024



Valedictory Program- 06-05-2024

Dr. Ravikanth Kongara

 Tranied bariatric and metabolic surgery in A.Z.  Niklass, Belgium

 Topic- The Growing Concern- Understanding Obesity in Youth


Sir discussed about BMI ( body mass index) , bmi  more than 30 is considered as obese, 67% of Americans are obese

He narrated that Obesity causes depression .  Liquid fasting and fruit fasting helps in decreasing weight ( forced fasting). Even tho its temporary .  Youth these days are coming for surgery as obesity is increasing due to sedentary lifestyle and stress

Doctor says  Stress increases hunger hormones ie gherelin.

Obesity can be prevented by educating children .  Our body craves to increase our weight because our body has a fat set point.

Obesity affects women a lot in the case of period and infertility problems and Solutions - take less stress.

Some important points-

-  Don’t use mobiles after 9pm

- Disciplined and motivated towards weight loss

Never do  Forced fasting

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