Tuesday 3 September 2024

Day 3 International Nutrition Webinar


Day 3 Report Date- 03-09-2024

Ms. D.Lavanya

 Senior Clinical Nutritionist

Certified Diabetic & Bariatric Nutritionist

Lee Health Domain

 Topic: Nutrition in bone health

Bone forming cells are more at young age and bone repairing cells are more at older age. To improve our bone health we can workout, take supplements if needed, no alcohol or smoking. Warning signs of low bone mineral density - back pain , frequent fractures. Loosing teeth, posture change.

How to maintain BMD is by - Healthy weight, calcium rich diet , physical activity, proper sleep and supplements if needed . Calcium rich diet for which  curry leaves, drumstick leaves, ragi, agathi leaves  etc can be consumed.

She gave nutritional and workout tips

"Regardless of who the father of the disease is surely it's mother is improper diet"

She also spoke about low and high impact exercises , Nutritionally she asked us to  eat more green leafy vegetables and said to cook it properly and in a closed way.  Good water intake , regular excercise or yoga , having millets is important.

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